We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Vastu Consultant in Rhode Island {RI}| Providence | Newport | Warwick

Vastu in Rhode Island [RI]:

Every person on this planet likes to have happiness, peace, success. Due to countless incidents, bad events, pains, anxieties, adverse incidents, people are constantly hurting. Today many people have Money, estate, family, etc but lack of peace and happiness.

This is due to a lack of labor problems, competition, future investment finance support. Our lives are similar to those of machines. Today, the suicide rate is increasing and people are sick of their lives.

Always suffering from many tensions, untold family matters, heavy expenditure, has to face problems with many greedy people or jealous people in society. For all these problems, Vastu Shastra gives the right answer.

To avoid these negativities, we don’t have to visit a doctor or any other spiritual personalities, but just to imply “Vastu Science” in our lives. This is a manageable yet powerful science and is competent of protecting us from all the difficulties generating endowments and will ensure happiness, peace, and harmony.

People of India applying this ancient science for thousands of years and is one of the main constituents of Indians success.

Our main goal is to deliver science to every point of this planet so everyone should use this science and make their lives smoother.

With our unending efforts and hard work of our Vaastu pundits, today people from all over the world contact us and before buying or constructing their properties like shops, offices, homes, kitchens, and factories, they do consult us.

Also, they have noticed positive Results and left remarkable reviews in “Vastu Results”. Another interesting fact is that the implementation of this science will not cost you a single penny and we are willing to provide free services to the people of the state. Also, we request the government of the state that please promote science and make people aware.

In addition, our website is updated on a daily basis on the “Vaastu Tips” section. This website we are at your service 24/7 and we thank our Vaastu Pundits for their endless efforts.

Mr.Suresh, I bought one home which has street focus, is it good to buy, the construction is completed almost 60% and next week is the lockdown and the interior changes starting in a weeks time. So, I was thinking is there are some major concerns I can request the builder to make those changes - Anil - Providence - USA

Dear readers, through the above question can we understand all about that home. When residents need to know the answer from us then he/she has to provide very good information, they sent the above question and pressurized us to get an answer. How can a vastu consultant understand about that home, he did not give any information on street focus, which side of the building the focus is touching, etc.

We stunned after hearing their reply.

Can any vastu person understand just by reading their question, what is that street focus, where exactly that focus is touching? We published this question, only because, residents should have patience when buying the homes, if they are looking for the answer for the questions, then they should provide very good information of that property, otherwise, nobody can help them.

Further, he asked about vaulted ceiling vastu and he never says anything about the same, where it is and in which room it was, generally vaulted ceiling is seen in family rooms or living rooms, he said, NO. He is in an emergency and doesn't have any patience. If anybody is in an emergency, please try to make some leisure time and then only call us. Home is the life, we request everyone don't play with your life.

We know you are busy, but your life is more important for us than the consultation charges.

He is buying the FORECLOSURE HOME, we are really tried our level best to save him. But he never wishes to hear what we are saying, he needs the answer to his question only.

When residents trying to buy the Foreclosure home or REO home (Real estate owned property) or BOP (Bank owned property) then it is mandatory to check the vastu of that property, whatever your urgency, that is not the point here, your future is important, not today or tomorrow urgency works.

When the previous owner default the payment and the property went into the hands of the lender (banker), please be careful. Don't neglect in this situation. When you have a chance for "OPEN HOUSE IN USA" then try to get more information on the day.

Maximum try to not to buy the Fore Closure property (foreclosed/REO/BOP), if it is inevitable then one should compulsorily take the vastu consultancy. Otherwise, choose another property to buy instead of buying the foreclosure home.

Need to take caution that a pre-foreclosure property may not be necessary for selling. The pre-foreclosure step is the stage between the time in which a Notice of Default (for nonjudicial foreclosure) or it is lis pendens (in judicial foreclosure) has been issued to the house proprietor and after the home is auctioned at foreclosure disposal.

Some residents asking about Indian vastu for American homes and somebody asking about "Is vastu works for USA properties", for both inquiries our answer is Yes, our Vastu is working for USA properties, but there are some exceptions which we should first understand. Don't apply all Indian vastu shastra principles to Americal homes.

One suggestion from our side: After knowing the vastu power, some native people also started vastu consultancy services. We clearly heard about one incidence.

One Indian by name Mr. Nagaraj wish to buy a home in Texas, he seen one advertisement on the internet about vastu consultant in Texas, he approached them and got their consultation, later he understands how they are sucking money for each and everything, later Nagaraj tried for the best vastu consultant in Hyderabad and also tried to get a consultation from top vastu consultant in India anyway later he saved his money and time too by approaching a genuine consultant.

Please be aware that all glitter is not the gold. Indians are the best for this vastu consultancy. Don't approach unsuitable vastu pandits in USA who likes to make a fancy number of earnings on people.

Types of houses in Rhode Island

1. Gothic revival

Gothic revival architecture otherwise referred to as Victorian Gothic or neo-gothic architecture, is inspired by the medieval period architecture of churches and different religious constructions. Concrete and glass are the dominantly used construction materials. Although this architectural style is voguish in Rhode Island, it is not generally used for residential purposes. They are prepotently used in religious constructions like churches. Gothic revival architecture is generally expansive in surface area with the height extending as tall as 4 to 5 stories. Windows with sharp curves, flat roofs with pointed arches, and stout stone carving are some of the characteristic features of these constructions. Delicate wooden trims and front-facing gables also define this architecture. These buildings have vaulted ceilings with brick and stone structures that take you to 19th-century architecture.

2. Colonial

Colonial architecture is an eternal remnant of buoyant imperialism back in the 19th century. These houses are horizontally profound with symmetrical front house designs. Steep front-facing gables are embellished with multipaned windowed turrets with side gables or pointed arches. White, blue, and red are some recurrently used colours in these houses. These houses can extend vertically from one to two stories in height. Tall rectangular multi-paned windows with thin wooden frames are symmetrically and uniformly arranged on the front side of the house. The exteriors are voluminous with a narrow concrete pathway laid up till the main entrance from the gate. The exterior is almost six times as sizeable as the interiors. Colonial houses feature a living room, hall, and kitchen on the ground floor with bedrooms located on the top floors. Circular columns singularly running from the surface to the roof are one common defining feature of these houses.

3. Queen Anne revival

Queen Anne revival, also known as ‘Free Renaissance,’ is an obsessive choice for the locale of Rhode Island. Given the limited population and limited affluent people of Rhode Island, there are fewer Queen Anne revival architectures. Yet, it is a dream for the locale here. They can be elevated upto two to three stories in height with separated gables in different styles. Steeply pitched low gables and coned roofs with pointed edges are a couple of roof architectures in this construction. Gauzy columns with curved tops redefine the conventional style porches. Curved roofs run across the length and breadth of these houses. Rectangular windows with multiple panes facing the front of the houses are inundatingly spread across the entire dimensions of the house. The entire house is constructed at an elevation with a tiny staircase guiding to the main door.

4. Post-medieval style

Post-medieval-style architecture is rather an era of architectural style defining the housing systems. There is an unending list of architectural characteristics to determine post-medieval housing style. These houses are generally extended up to one or more stories in height with steep roofs and moderately overhanging eaves. Plain unembellished cornices, royal railings with shiny wooden finish, and vibrant colours are added features. Brick, stone, stucco, and timber frames are the dominantly used construction materials during this period.

5. Nantucket (shingle style)

Nantucket is a place near the Rhode Island. It is a fine refashioning of shingly style architecture. Shingle-style architecture is regal in appeal but not inspired by any ancient or medieval religious structures. These houses are exquisite in appeal with earthy tones but resplendent architectural designs. Front-facing multiple steep gables with an embedded single small windows and tall chimneys pricking through the roofs is one mandatory feature to these houses. They can be one or one and a half story tall with a small staircase leading to the entrance of the house. Wide front-covered porches running through the dimensions of the home is one way to identify these houses.

6. Dutch colonial

Dutch colonial housing system is the architectural remnant of Dutch imperialism on the sands of the USA. Curved eaves and gambrel roofs are some of the peculiar architectural features of Dutch colonial homes. Vibrant and bright colours are often used in these houses to accentuate the contradicting and layered architectural elements. Layered gambrel roofs are another fine feature of these houses. These houses uncannily resemble the colonial architectural style with the same structure but nonpareil designing of the house. Horizontally elongated windows with thin framing go against the architectural personality of these houses. These constructions cannot be vertically extended beyond two stories height. The roofs are bald and slightly curved with moderately overhanging eaves. The exteriors of these houses are generally are boundless. These dwellings are devoid of turrets, dormers, or chimneys. They do not even contain railings, balconies, porches, or compound walls to fortify the building.

7. Neo palladian

Neo Palladian architecture is quite old. This early medieval architecture is an era of residential-style from the Venetian architect, Andrea Palladio, hence the name palladian architecture. This architectural style is usually recherche in the entire world but Rhode Island is an exception. They can be one or more stories tall with circular roofs but sharp corners that seem like a blend of round circles and squares immersed in them. This dome like structure is constructed on top of flat roof with another front-facing gable located in front and on top of the main door entrance like a crown. Wide covered front porch with heavy circular columns equidistantly spaced define the entire building’s style. These are elevated at a height. Hence, the entire housing system looks more heavy and elaborate than it usually is. These housing systems are generally used for government buildings and other organization. They are devoid of exteriors but they suit official purposes more than residential purposes.

8. Federal

Federal architecture is another creepingly and freakingly popular housing style in Rhode Islands. These buildings with palatial exteriors cannot extend beyond two stories height with heavy circular columns in the front of the house. This architecture is inspired from roman architecture with red, blue, brown, and white colours giving vibrant plush look to the house. The roofs are steep with front facing gables with chimneys and turrets piercing through the roof architecture. Tall rectangular multiple paned windows with thin framing and curved tops give a peculiar appeal to these houses. These are a few classical details of Federal architecture. In Rhode Islands, these dwellings are drastically customized and transformed to suit the locale needs and tastes.

Rhode Island (RI) Overview:

Rhode Island, officially the “State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations” is an American state in the Northeastern part, located in the New England region of the country. Although, the state is smallest but in the second-most densely populated among all US states.

The bordering states include Massachusetts towards the North and Connecticut towards the West, while the Atlantic Ocean lies towards its South. The state has the honor to be one of the first states that renounced British rule and was one of the founding states of the USA.

The state is famous for its colonial-era buildings, sandy shores, Newport, rivers, and Islands.

Native American tribes of Wampanoag, Narragansett, and Niantic inhabited the region of modern Rhode Island, much history is not known about them but it is estimated that they were hunters, fisherman or did basic agriculture.

After the arrival of the Europeans, most of these natives died due to conflicts, killings and massacres, remaining of them died due to diseases, the Europeans carried with them. Roger Williams (a British) was the first European to settle and found a colony in the region.

He was driven out of Massachusetts due to his religious views and beliefs. Later on, many other people of same ideology arrived in the region and settled. Although Roger Williams maintained friendly terms with the British, later due to British involvement, the peace efforts vanished and the hostile situation started that resulted in countless wars.

By the end of the 18th century, British oppression was increasing and the local population was losing their patience. Several uprisings started but were not successful. Rhode Island became the first colony to declare independence from the British, two months before the struggle started.

Before the revolution, the state was also involved in heavy slave trading, but afterward, it became the first state to officially abolish slavery. During the periods of wars (American Civil War, World War 1 and World War 2) the state provided full support and personnel and many of them died on active duty.

The state is nicknamed as the “Ocean State” due to its numerous oceanfront beaches and islands. Almost entire terrain features lowlands and plains.

The highest point in the state is “Jerimoth Hill”. The most distinctive geographical feature of the state is the “Narragansett Bay” which is famous for its islands and beautiful beaches. The state has a humid continental climate with warm summers and cold winters.

Fishing was one of the earliest economic drivers from the start of colonization but today healthcare, tourism, and manufacturing are the largest sectors.

Due to diverse features, we can predict how much tourists may visit the state, and with them comes the huge source of income. “Submarine construction” is one of the greatest manufacturing achievement of the state.

Other manufacturing items include shipbuilding, costume jewelry, fabricated metal products, electrical equipment, machinery, and boatbuilding, while some of the agricultural products are vegetables, dairy products, and nursery stock.

Christianity is the largest single religion followed by the state and the state was created by a Christian missionary (Roger Williams).

Minority religions include Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormonism. Minority Hindu population is also present which accounts for 0.5% of the total population.

  • Rhode Island State Capital City: Providence
  • Area 3,140 km²
  • Congressional Districts2
  • Population 1.06 million(2017 est)
  • Language English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Chinese, Cambodian.
  • Main Cropscorn, potatoes, apple, hay
  • State Bird Rhode Island Red Chicken
  • State Animal NA
  • State Flower Violet Viola sororia
  • State Tree Red Maple Acer rubrum
  • Popular Rivers Black stone River, Chockalog River, Green Fall River, Kickamuit River, Wood River, Bass River, Runnins River, Abbott Run, Runnins River
  • Spiritual Places Faith Baptist Church, Rhode Island Genesis Church, S.Stephen's Church, Episcopal Diocese of RI, Trinity Church, Grace Episcopal Church, St Augustine Catholic Church, Saint Paul Church, First Spiritualist Church of RI, Cornerstone Church, Living Faith Christian Church, Rhode Island Hindu Temple, Masjid Al-Hoda, Masjid Al Islam, Islamic Center of Rhode Island, Muslim Society of Rhode Island, Masjid Zumratul Jamat
  • Important Cities Providence city, Warwick city, Cranston city, Pawtucket city, East Providence city, Woonsocket city, Newport city, Central Falls city
  • Border States Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York
  • Tourist Attractions The Breakers, Marble House, Roger Williams Park Zoo, Roger Williams Park, Block Island Southeast Light, International Tennis Hall of Fame, Mohegan Bluffs, Rough Point, Bevertail Lighthouse, Touro Synagogue, Roger Wheeler State Beach, Rose Island Light, Museum of Newport History, The Towers, Belcourt of Newport, Slater Mill Historic Site, Green Animals Topiary Garden, Newport Art Museum, National Museum of American Illustration, Audrain Auto Museum, Linden Place, Rosecliff, The Elms, Fort Adams State Park, Easton's Beach, Brenton Point State Park, Lincoln Woods State Park, Castle Hill Light, Scarborough Beach, Pachaug State Forest, Napatree Point, Goddard Memorial State Park, Federal Hill, Goat Island, Rose Island, Colt State Park, Chateau-sur-Mer, East Matunuck State Beach, Burlingame State Park, Second Beach, Fort Wetherill State Park, Ocean Drive Historic District, Beavertail State Park, Federal Hill
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Inspirational Quotations

"The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong." — Swami Vivekananda

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

Rajesh: Chintu, what would you do if you accidentally stepped on an elderly man's foot?

Chintu: I would say sorry, Dad.

Rajesh: Good, you have made me proud my son. What if he appreciates your behavior and gives you a chocolate?

Chintu: I did step on his other foot right away, Dad!

Vastu Tip of the Day

Furniture plays a crucial role in enhancing the ambiance and bringing positive energy into our homes. For the best results, it’s important to choose high-quality furniture. Opting for cheaper options might compromise the potential for good luck and a positive environment. A home with inadequate furniture might see a decrease in fortune, so it's essential to invest in premium furniture that meets your needs and supports a prosperous atmosphere. For More Daily Vastu Tips : Daily Vastu Tips

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