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About SubhaVaastu.com Website | Indian Great Personalities
Table of Content
1. Website Concept
2. Notes from website founder
3. About SubhaVaastu and its motive
4. Great Personalities in our society
About SubhaVaastu.com Vastu Website and Some Great Indian Personalities: This Website SubhaVaastu.com created to do services to the public who are looking for Vastu Shastra without any website registration.
Our main concept is to publish useful information which should serve Vastu content by having appropriate easy understanding images. Many experts in different fields worked for this website.
Almost daily this website is updating with more Vaastu information. Other than Vasthu information we love to spread spirituality in our society by preparing spiritual wallpapers of all religions. We based in India.
A short note from Founder of this website
Saadar Pranam Priya Athmabhandhu:
I am Suresh and I am a volunteer in this free Vastu website project. I don't get paid a rupee for my work at SubhaVaastu.com. When I founded SubhaVaastu.com, I could have made it into a profit motive organization with heavy advertising banners and Google Adsense, but I decided to do something different for my sweet society and people who don't have to pay to experts. Commerce is fine and it's not evil.
Advertising is not a bad idea. But it doesn't belong here and nothing showed like those concepts. This website doesn't have commercial ideas. You may browse any weblink here free of cost, hassle-free browsing is the main concept here, for this Vastu website no need to log in or register and the like. This website shows easy to understand our information by just observing the images.
Readers should be careful before following any tip or technique which were published here. Whatever the hint/tip/idea which we published here may not be perfectly suitable for your property. Based on our observations/knowledge with the properties we do in our carrier may not be exactly the same as your properties. So requesting everyone to have one Vastu experts opinion before doing the corrections or taking the decision of buying the properties.
SubhaVaastu.com is a Vastu website and something special. It is like a library or a public park or your home full of books stuff or book racks. It is like a temple for the mind. It is a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge and thoughts. It is a unique human project, the first of its kind in Vastu history.
It is a humanitarian project to spread our thoughts and experiments on the free Vastu encyclopedia to every single person on the planet. To do this without resorting to advertising, we need you. It is you who keep this dream alive. It is you who have created SubhaVaastu.com. It is you who believe that a place of calm reflection and learning is worth having. It is you, still, live this project on the internet. Without you, nothing is possible here.
This year, please consider making a donation. Here again, the donation means not in the way of money, blessing our hard work, "spending some seconds and spread your spiritual thought of vibration to us, bless us" that is a meaning of donation here.
Looking for your kind heart here. Spare some time to needy who don't have to pay for Vaasthu persons, show your bold and open heart to our sweet society. Many may be searching for Vastu requirements, it could be very useful if you spare some seconds in sending our website information related to Vastu and Hindu Gods wallpapers to their emails.
A small Vastu Tip may change their life. Who knows a simple Idea may change your entire life. We strongly believe that without YOUR support we may not achieve success here. Without advertisements, without ads in newspapers and in news channels, this site becomes the most popular one in our society.
Don't Miss Our Ideology
Daily 50,000+ hits observed and approximately 5,000 to 6,000 unique visitors are visiting our site. Who is behind this success, it's you, only YOU. None of this would have been possible without you. This is your website. It is yours. Thank You so much.
At your service, always
About Us | SubhaVaastu.com
This website took birth in the year 2003, from that day we are thinking about how to serve genuine Vastu articles with an easy understanding method to the society, discussed with many people, so many added the work go with advertisements, earn more money, drag ads, etc. We hate to do commercial thoughts here.
From day one, we criticized ourselves and making this site as much easy as possible to browsers. The above image is a bird, taking its food from a flower, it shows that our intention is that you may also read an article, any day, any time. This website is a flower, grasp whatever you want from this flower, this flower is always fresh and daily shines.
This website is a non-profit motive. Many poor people in our society do not have money to pay for vastu consultants, some rich families also facing such temporary troubles not having money to pay for Vastu pandits, for them this website may be a good stay of a library.
We opened one link which may be useful for our Indians. Dear NRI's this link is particularly prepared for you, if you are an NRI then don't miss to open this important tips to Indians link. This is particularly prepared for our Indians. Use to read now.
Interesting Links to Explore
What are all South facing house vastu problems get a right solution.
What are basic Northeast facing house vastu ideas. This link explains you the additional information that you acquire from others already.
Have you heard any Problems of Southeast facing house vastu, check this page to learn more about them.
Kalyanasundaram - Man of the Millennium
We inspired with his services to the mankind. It's a great opportunity for us to learn more about this legend. Mr.Kalayanasundaram worked as a Librarian for 30 years. Every month in his 30-year service, he donated his entire salary to help the needy.
He worked as a server in a hotel to meet his needs. He donated even his pension amount of about ten lakh rupees to the society. He is the first person in the world to spend entire earnings for the social cause. In recognition to his service, the American government honored him with the "Man of the Millennium" award.
He received a sum of 30 crore rupees as part of this award which he distributed completely for the needy as usual. He still stays as a bachelor and dedicated his entire life to serving society. Moved by his passion to help others, Super Star Rajinikanth adopted him as his father.
All our Politicians, or Film stars, or Business magnets, cricketers Press, and we all Indians should be PROUD and also should be ashamed of ourselves. American Government has honored him but we Indians even don't know that such a personality exist amongst us.
Atleast have the courtesy to pass this on and on till the whole world comes to know about this Great Good Samaritan. Hat's off Kalyanasundaram Sir. We Indians are extremely proud of you and proudly say "THIS HAPPENS ONLY IN INDIA" Service up to last breath, the guiding principle of P. Kalyanasundaram, who spent over 45 years in social service.
A gold medalist in library science, he is also an M.A., in literature and history. During his 35-year-career as a librarian at the Kumarkurupara Arts College at Srivaikuntam in Tuticorin district, he gave away all his salary for charity and did odd jobs to meet his daily needs. He has also come forward to donate his body and eyes to the Tirunelveli Medical College.
The Union Government has acclaimed him as `The Best Librarian in India'. He has also been chosen as `one of the top ten librarians of the world'. The International Biographical Center, Cambridge, has honored him as `one of the noblest of the world', while the United Nations Organization adjudged him as one of the Outstanding People of the 20th Century'. An American organization has also selected him as the `Man of the Millennium.'
Mr. Kalyanasundaram, who has founded a social welfare organization, `Paalam', shares his experiences in a chat with Prathiba Parameswaran. SIMPLICITY in life and exemplariness in practice has been the hallmark of Mr. Kalyanasundaram.
Born in August 1953 at Melakarivelamkulam in Tirunelveli district, he lost his father at a very young age. It was his mother, who inspired him to serve the poor. When he was at college, the Indo-China war broke out, and he contributed his gold chain to the then Chief Minister, Kamaraj, for the war fund.
At this time around, he went to meet Balasubramanian, Editor, Ananda Vikatan. "He sent me away, saying he would write about me the day I donated something I had earned myself. I did not speak a word to anyone about what I had done. I took it as a challenge," Mr. Kalyanasundaram recalls.
Ever since he got a job as a librarian in Tuticorin, he has contributed all his salary, pension benefits, and ancestral property to social welfare. It was not until 1990 when he received his pension arrears and contributed it to the Collector's Fund, that the then Tirunelveli Collector felicitated him, despite his protests.
The `Paalam' serves as a bridge between donors and beneficiaries: it collects money and materials from those willing to donate and distributes them among the weaker sections.
It has also contributed to the cyclone relief funds in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Orissa (Odisha), and has helped the earthquake victims in Maharashtra and Gujarat. "We cannot sustain ourselves unless we contribute towards the society in some way or the other.
I strongly feel if even one person does his bit towards social good, there will be some change," he asserts.
Mr. Kalyanasundaram feels that one must achieve something in his chosen field. His contribution to library science is immense. A thesis he submitted as part of his post-graduate course to the Madurai Kamaraj University fetched him distinction.
He has also hit upon an easy way of tracing and accessing books in libraries. His ability to strike a rapport even with youngsters is remarkable. He cites the instance when he started wearing khadi. At college, he was required to take classes on Gandhianism. "I had to speak about simplicity and everything Gandhi stood for, but I was clad in expensive clothes.
That was when I decided to switch over to khadi," he relates. Since then he had always practiced what he stood for, making himself a role model for many youths.
He was popular among college and school students, and many of them have joined his organization. He has long-term plans for his organization. One is the setting up of a nationalized digital library with modern equipment, which could be accessed by people from all walks of life. He also wants to set up an international children's university in Tamil Nadu, with foreign aid.
However, he said, a mission has a meaning only when the right people are involved in it. The Directorate of Public Libraries should recruit people with a library science background to be librarians, he says. "And good librarians should have a broad knowledge of everything."
If you have 2 seconds time and IF YOU KNOW ANY POLITICIAN, Please do share this article to them. Selfish mentalities may not always have light and fame in our society, their nature spoils the entire campus.
Get Additional Information Of Interesting Pages
What are all Remedies of East facing house vastu, study millions of issues.
Looking to know West facing house vastu remedies, here it is.
Know complete Dosh Nivaran and Remedies of North Facing House Vastu through this page.
Omkarnath Sharma - Medicine Baba
Omkar Nath Sharma, is a man with a mission of establishing a medicine bank for the poor.. He comes from a financially modest background. He cannot walk fast or run ever since a childhood accident at 12 ruptured his knees. He looks after his son, who, after an accident, is often unwell. Yet, compassion comes easy to Omkar Nath Sharma who goes from door to door, collecting unused medicines and requesting people to donate drugs for patients in need.
Affectionately called 'medicine baba' by children, Sharma wears a red kurta bearing his mobile number and the words 'Medicine Man'. He walks 5 km daily, tirelessly making the rounds of different localities throughout the year all over Delhi.
After carefully scrutinizing the drugs and keeping meticulous accounts, Sharma donates them to patients through a network of around 10 NGOs and Hospitals including Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Hospital.
Having spent 27 years as a medical assistant at Kailash Hospital, Noida, Sharma began his labor of love three years ago. It isn't an easy job. "Yes, some people are cynical and unmoved by the cause," he rues.
"Many even think I am a cheat!" That's why gestures like a recent phone call from Kuwait warm his heart. "I was so touched and amazed when they offered to donate medicines all the way from there." Dr Mahavir Prasad Vast, head of the pharmacy, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, says, "It's difficult to find people like him, who despite their handicap are willing to serve mankind." We second that.
A great personality is living for us, moving for us, sharing time for us, spending money for us, looking for our good health, he is not expecting anything from us, just collecting unused medicines to be shared with other people, who don't have money to buy, for this great cause, help him by sending this link to your friends/relatives, If you have 2 seconds time, then please inform this "information" (Page) to your friends.
Your "TWO" seconds time may save your beloved people in our Society. If you don't have that soft corner and not interested to serve to the society, kindly leave our website.
We do see only the visitors/people here who have kind heart and service mind. Selfish mentalities may not always have light and fame in society.
IF YOU KNOW ANY Hospital Management, PLEASE do Share THIS LINK WITH them. Dear Readers if you know any great personalities serving society please share their information, we will publish here. Just click the top right side contact us page, from there you may send us service oriented people information. Thanks in Advance.
We Thought These Below Links Are Important To KNOW
Get amazing solutions for various Southwest facing house vastu Problems through this link.
Eager to know ALL Northwest Facing House Vastu Problems, then this link explains what are the issues and solutions.
Man made Forest By Sri. Dusharla Satyanarayana
Another great personality. Sri. Dusharla Satyanarayana from Nalgonda District of Telangana. One man army to create a forest in his own land. Read his story. Recently we have come across an interesting situation, one by name Mr. Satyanarayana, otherwise, a normal person by any standards has developed a peculiar crazy idea about 40 years ago. This happened about 4 decades ago. He resigns from his job and abundant farming his 70 acres plot with the sole purpose of fulfilling his passion of creating a forest in otherwise prosperous farmland.
Though the farm land of 70 acres, not one or two, but 70 acres of land was giving two crops annually, he in pursuit of this passion converted into a luscious forest. Further, he went about collecting the seeds and seedlings of various forest trees from all over the country and planned the forest accordingly.
We compare this to the private zoo by name Thoiry, close to Paris in France. Where animals are free in the forest and men go secured in vans. This man is similarly crazy. He brought in a variety of jungle animals to live in harmony in the wonderland. Look forward to similar persons to make the world a little better to live. More such people will surely address the climate control problem now the world is facing. We salute Sri. Dusharla Satyanarayana Garu.
Entire Life Devoted to Lord Shiva - Krishna Bhat - Hampi - Karnataka
Another great personality from Hampi. Sri. Krishna Bhat who is paid for 2 times per year, but doing service to Lord Shiva (Badavi Linga) for 365 days. Starting from 1980, still Continued . . . . in service of God. Our heartful and spiritual salutes to Shri Krishna Bhat of Hampi.
There are many places of worship established in the country and also in the world. Several of them have antique origins, and we do not know who caused their construction and how those temples had come about.
Some are man made and have had a glorious past and got ruined in medieval times, due to conflicts and invasions. Restoration of such places of worship would be of immense value to the people who visit the place. People are reminded of the heritage which is theirs by right and help them to think of the creator more often. This would reduce the hatred and animosity that society is subjected to today.
It will help us to analyze the causes of the destruction of such heritage and help us to evolve further. In this regard an effort being made by an infirm priest in Hampi is noteworthy.
This temple was destroyed when the Vijayanagara empire all of a sudden lost its relevance to society, this temple started its rejuvenation when the Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti suggested a sort of restoration work.
Sri. Krishna Bhat in his advanced age, is doing service single-handedly for the past 4 decades, not minding any remuneration at all.
A noble service and a dedicated personality.
It is such silent services that remind us of our duties to society and to ourselves. Glory to this sage Krishna Bhat.
Padma Shri Award to Mohammed Sharif
Recently a person by name Shri. Mohammed Sherrif has been awarded Padmashri by the Government. An unknown person in this society by this name has been recognized is worthy of commendation. His services to society is giving dignity to the dead destitute by cremating/burying persons abundant by society. This person have given the service to over 25000 destitute and continues to do the same which deserves salutations. Truly commendable and noble services.
Padma Award to Tulasi Gowda
Another piece of news that came out recently is again Padma award to illiterate tribal women from Mangalore, Karnataka, by name Smt. Tulasi Gowda, her recognition have come about by virtue of her vast knowledge of plants and trees of forests and her effort in running a school for poor children in her village. Really, society is grateful to such persons who are selflessly serving the underprivileged.
What did SubhaVaastu serve to our society, here is our Free Vastu Services link. Let us know if you found any great personality who serving society, we are pleased to publish their names here.
Dokka Seethamma - A Legacy of Serving
Dokka Seethamma (1841–1909), a symbol of kindness from Andhra Pradesh, lived in the late 19th century. Her humble beginnings did not limit her impact; she became famous for her generosity. Known for feeding many poor people daily, she made sure no one near her home went hungry. Every day, she prepared meals, offering nourishment to travelers and locals alike. Although there are few records of her life, her actions left a lasting impression in her community. Seethamma’s commitment extended beyond just meals. During festivals and droughts, when hardships were common, she provided extra help to those in need. Stories of her goodwill are passed down, keeping her memory alive in the hearts of many. After her death, the Indian government recognized her contributions with honors. Schools and organizations named after her continue her work, supporting and uplifting others. People today look up to her as an example of how one person’s efforts can make a big difference. Her life teaches valuable lessons about caring and helping, reminding us of the impact of selfless actions. We will always recall your selfless contributions to society, given freely and without any expectations.
Honoring India's Unsung Heroes
We are eager to recognize and celebrate the illustrious figures from various states across India who have selflessly contributed to society. It's a privilege to showcase their names on our website. Share with us the stories of your local heroes who have dedicated their lives to bettering the community without any expectations in return. We look forward to honoring these great personalities on our platform.
1. Andhra Pradesh - Share the names of remarkable people from Andhra Pradesh who have significantly impacted society. We look forward to publish them on our portal.
2. Arunachal Pradesh - Nominate key contributors from Arunachal Pradesh. Their efforts deserve spotlight on our website.
3. Assam - Invite distinguished volunteers from Assam to be recognized for their dedication. Submit their names for our publication.
4. Bihar - Identify altruistic figures from Bihar who have committed their lives to improving their community. We aim to highlight their stories.
5. Chhattisgarh - Suggest names of those from Chhattisgarh who have been instrumental in fostering community welfare.
6. Goa - Help us gather stories of dedicated individuals from Goa, to celebrate their devotion to societal progress.
7. Gujarat - Contribute names from Gujarat who have been central to community enhancement. Their impact is noteworthy.
8. Haryana - Recognize the impactful figures from Haryana by submitting details for publication on our site.
9. Himachal Pradesh - Celebrate the commitment of Himachal Pradesh’s contributors by sharing their names for potential inclusion.
10. Jharkhand- Recognize tireless contributors from Jharkhand by providing their details. They deserve a spotlight for their efforts.
11. Karnataka - Invite details of prominent figures from Karnataka who strive tirelessly for the community's upliftment.
12. Kerala - Requesting names from Kerala who have shown extraordinary commitment to public welfare.
13. Madhya Pradesh - We seek to feature the guardians of community well-being from Madhya Pradesh.
14. Maharashtra - Call for nominations of Maharashtra’s most devoted, to showcase their unyielding efforts.
15. Manipur - Encourage submissions for individuals from Manipur who embody the spirit of community service.
16. Meghalaya - Highlight contributors from Meghalaya whose dedication to public service stands out.
17. Mizoram - Gather details of Mizoram’s dedicated individuals, aiming to honor their community-focused efforts.
18. Nagaland - Share stories of Nagaland's devoted, whose behind-the-scenes work significantly benefits society.
19. Odisha - Urge the recognition of Odisha’s champions who unassumingly support public causes.
20. Punjab - Celebrate Punjab’s stalwarts of community service by nominating them for recognition.
21. Rajasthan - We seek to document the steadfast individuals of Rajasthan dedicated to public advancement.
22. Sikkim - Call for entries from Sikkim to acknowledge those who put society’s needs before their own.
23. TamilNadu - Gather submissions of commendable figures from Tamil Nadu dedicated to enhancing community life.
24. Telangana - Recognize the dedication of Telangana’s active participants in societal betterment.
25. Tripura - Identify Tripura’s caring individuals who have made measurable impacts without seeking limelight.
26. Uttar Pradesh - Encourage recognition of Uttar Pradesh’s foremost in public service, whose contributions are immeasurable.
27. Uttarakhand - Showcase the stalwarts from Uttarakhand who quietly improve the community.
28. West Bengal - Promote the self-driven activists from West Bengal, celebrating their enduring contributions to societal health.
Let Us Know About the Heroes From Your State
Respected residents may send questions on this article. Expect our reply within "5 minutes" to "24 hours" depending on proper greeting.
Complete Vastu Questions
- What is Fate?
- What is House Vastu?
- What is importance of Vastu Purusha?
- Is 3 burners are not good in the Kitchen?
- How to improve our shares trading with vastu?
- How to find out the best vastu pandit in India?
- Which room is good for dining table as per vastu?
- Where can I get comments on SubhaVaastu.com website?
- Which direction is auspicious to place God Idols in a Pooja Room?
Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents
Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA
We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA
"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA
I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA
Delayed Marriages
Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues".
Vastu Questions
A comprehensive range of Vastu queries have been addressed here.100 Vastu Questions & Answers
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Who are eligible for Free Vastu Services, check this page.
Inspirational Quotations
"True strength shines brightest when we remain calm and stand firm on our own, regardless of the circumstances" — Swami Vivekananda
“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?
Joke Of the Day
I participated in a competition where the challenge was to stay silent for five hours to win a prize of ₹1 lakh.
After 4 hours and 59 minutes, the organizers asked:
>>> "Do you want cash or a cheque?"
>>> I replied, "Give me cash only."
>>> That's it... They handed me a chocolate and said, "You lost!"
Vastu Tip of the Day
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