We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

A Year-long Study on the Share Market Business and How Vastu Can Help Prevent Losses

We spent almost a year analyzing the stock market, examining the common causes of financial losses and investigating how Vastu can help reduce these setbacks. This research merges practical financial observations with Vasthu ideas, with significant investment made to enhance financial security and protect investments. If you have a few minutes to spare, we recommend reading this article on your laptop, which should take about 8 to 9 minutes to read through.

From Questions to Confidence: Vastu’s Impact on Stock Investments

Welcome to our exploration of how Vaastu can transform your approach to stock investments! Submerge into our insightful article where we address common questions and tried to reveal how incorporating best Vastu tips, can shift your investment journey from uncertainty to confidence. Discover the human efforts of strategic edge Vaasthu offers in the complex world of stock trading.

We have responded to nearly all investor inquiries. If you have any questions, feel free to ask; we are always prepared to offer answers, especially when your questions are clearly and respectfully presented.

Is Vastu Really Help to Achieve Profits in Shares Trading?

Share Market and VastuYes! Vastu can positively influence your trading outcomes. By arranging your trading space according to Vastu principles, you create an atmosphere that promotes clear thinking and positivity. This setup can help sharpen your focus and decision-making, potentially leading to more successful trades. However, while Vastu can provide a supportive environment, successful trading also heavily depends on market knowledge, trading strategies, and timely decision-making.

How can one navigate these challenging trading environments, and why do people enter this line of business? Could there be Vastu flaws in their homes influencing their decisions? Is there any support from Vastu for trading? What type of house is ideal for trading, and which direction should a property face to enhance success in the stock market?

Is It Good to Enter Stock Market With Minimum Knowledge?

It is not advisable to enter the stock market without having sound and proper knowledge. Trading in the stock market requires an understanding of financial markets, investment strategies, and risk management. Without this knowledge, investors are more likely to make poor and wrong decisions, potentially leading to significant financial losses. Therefore, it's crucial to educate oneself or seek advice from financial experts before venturing into stock trading.

Can Implementing Vastu in My Trading Strategy Help Minimize Financial Losses?

Yes, implementing Vastu in your trading strategy can help minimize financial losses. Vastu principles aim to enhance the flow of positive energy and create a harmonious environment. When applied only experts guidance ideas to your trading space and particularly your home, can potentially improve decision-making and mental clarity, leading to better trading outcomes and reduced risk of losses. However, while Vastu can provide a supportive environment, it's also important to combine it with sound financial practices and thorough market analysis. Exercise caution when choosing an expert in this field. Avoid making decisions based solely on their fees, and refrain from selecting someone simply because they are the least expensive.

Which Directions Should I Consider for My Home Office to Improve Trading Success as Per Vastu?

For a home office aimed at boosting trading success according to Vastu, consider these directions:

North: Enhances wealth and prosperity, ideal for financial activities. Ensure there is ample open space facing north from where you sit.

East: Promotes alertness and focus, beneficial for trading. It's advantageous to have a large open yard to the east.

Northeast: Known for providing clarity and facilitating wise decision-making, the northeast is the most auspicious direction, especially with significant open space.

Avoid sitting positions where there is open space towards the south, southwest, or west, as these directions can lead to negative energy and financial losses.

If the South, Southwest, and West directions are blocked by other homes, then positioning yourself in a South room with a North-Northeast door, a Southwest room, or a West room with an East-Northeast door can increase your chances to capitalize on earning opportunities.

Is Vastu Help To Get Fancy Profits in Share Market?

Driving with caution ensures we safely reach our destination, just as in trading, where small errors can have severe impacts. It's essential to remain vigilant and attentive. Often, defects at Northwest direction can lead to losses in business.

2. Many trading experts in the trading industry offer paid recommendations. However, traders prefer not to pay and instead develop their own strategies, often resulting in the loss of their hard-earned money.

3. Similarly, many traders/ residents depend on self-taught approaches and gather basic Vastu Shastra knowledge through videos, books, and websites, assuming they have comprehensive understanding. This overconfidence typically results in significant financial losses in the stock market, turning into a regrettable outcome for them.

Northwest Entrance: A Major Risk for Losses in the Stock Market

Vastu for Commodities TradingTrading can be a dangerous venture, akin to a spider's web; it's best to avoid entering. If you are already involved, pay attention to your property's Vastu. Ensuring compliance with this science principles could safeguard you from losses in trading. A North-Northwest door (read more on strong impact of doors in Vastu) often signals potential financial setbacks. While initial profits may occur, eventual significant losses are typical, leading many to take on debts to continue trading, which could ultimately lead to financial ruin.

Possibility of Getting Huge Losses in Share Market with Northwest Main Door & NE Cut

Vastu for Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel, Natural Gas, Crude OilThis house features a cut in the Northeast corner and a door facing the North-Northwest. Invariably, such a configuration leads only to financial losses for the occupants, especially in trading. Homes with this layout are known to consistently result in sorrow within the share market. Initially, residents might see a deceptive increase in income, encouraging further investment, but this often leads to significant losses eventually. Caution is advised. Without the guidance of an expert, individuals residing in such homes should be wary of entering the share market.

Huge Losses in Commodities Business with Southeast House Construction

Vastu for Shares BusinessThe house is built at the Southeast corner of the compound premises (home boundary area), where the Southeast is extended. Despite the North direction beneifts, this Southeast extension and the house's location in the Southeast direction may lead to poor trading decisions and significant financial losses or even taking wrong decision in the right time and causing huge losses.

Experiencing Losses in Shares with Northwest Extension

share market Vastu shastraIn this configuration, the boundary wall is extended towards the North-Northwest side, which, according to Vastu, can lead to financial losses in share market trading activities. This alignment is also associated with causing mental instability and contributing to financial setbacks. Such structural arrangements are considered inauspicious and could potentially disrupt both emotional well-being and economic prosperity.

Elevated Sitting Platforms at Northeast Causes of Getting Losses in Shares

feng shui for share marketConstructing Dais platforms towards the North or East direction, positioned higher than interior flooring, could induce monetary deficits in equity ventures. Furthermore, this design aspect is acknowledged as influencing downturns in trade activities, emphasizing the necessity for Vastu observance across commercial and residential settings. Beyond causing financial setbacks in stock market trading, this architectural trait can also lead to discomfort for inhabitants. It might be wise to dismantle such structures. However, consult with experts prior to making any definitive decisions.

Water Well at South Direction Trigger Losses in Shares Trading

vastu tips for trading businessSome residents believe their homes are constructed according to Vastu principles, yet they face losses in the stock market. Often, they overlook the placement of water sources like wells, borewells, or storage sumps in the South direction or Southwest direction. These water placements can adversely affect their financial performance in the stock market. Water bodies or wells, regardless of whether they contain water, can significantly disrupt the residents.

Elevated North Floor Level Ruin Finances in Trading

Shares and commodities and vastuThis image showcases a house designed according to Vastu principles, with the main entrance located at the East-Northeast. Notably, the land within the boundary on the North side is elevated (marked with red color), sloping upwards from the South to the North. This configuration leads to a depressed Southern floor level, which, according to Vastu, can cause financial resources to drain away, a common cause of trading losses.

It’s important to remember that this is just one of many factors that can lead to losses in trading. Given the "sensitive" nature of the trading business, which is also referred to as "SENSEX," multiple elements can impact financial outcomes.

North Skyscrappers Stimulate Forfeiture Finances in Trading Business

share market and VastuIn this instance, a multistory apartment has been constructed towards the North direction relative to the house. This architectural orientation might be contributing to financial losses in the stock market. The positioning of the building could inadvertently impact the flow of positive energy, thereby influencing the economic outcomes for residents involved in trading activities.

North-Northwest Street Focus Confisicate Hopes

vastu for Forex Trading BusinessA road is hitting the house from North-Northwest corner, this is also one of the reason for getting losses in trading. This street is called as North-Northwest Street Focus. When a home has this focus feature, then at any cost residents should not enter into shares business. To understand the image and its concept, we have modified the directions in this image. Please carefully check the directions.

Sitting Facing South May Also Contribute to Losses in Share Trading

share market vastu tipsSometimes, the sitting position can also contribute to losses. The Northwest direction is particularly sensitive, and since trading itself is too sensitive, extra caution is advised when trading from a Northwest room. If the North-South dimensions of the Northwest room are larger than the East-West dimensions, there is an increased risk of incurring significant losses.

If you are involved in the stock trading business, consider the costs of losses against the fees for Vastu consultancy. The cost of expert advice is relatively minimal compared to potential losses. Therefore, it's wise to consult with professionals before embarking on your trading journey.

Sitting Facing West May Also Lead to Trading Losses

Shares and VastuAs previously mentioned regarding seating positions, this image illustrates that sitting in the Southeast and facing West can lead to losses in the stock trading business. Be cautious about trading from the southeast corner. Facing West while seated can also contribute to losses. The Southeast is not a recommended area for conducting sensitive business activities.

Complex Vastu strategies may be challenging for most homeowners to understand. Expertise is common in all areas of work. If you are considering entering the stock market, balance the potential financial risks against the costs of Vastu consulting. The investment in professional advice is typically small compared to the possible financial losses. Therefore, it's smart to seek advice from specialists before starting your trading activities.

Sleeping Positions Also Causing Losses in Shares & Commodities Business

vaastu for sensexAs discussed earlier that sitting positions in office or house while doing trading business, manytimes cause for losses. Sleeping positions also drives trader to get losses in equities. Sleeping towards the Northeast corner of his home may get losses in the trading business.

Sleeping in Southwest bedroom is ideal location for protecting the finances.

Sitting at Southwest quadrant also brings cheers in their shares and equities.

Occupying the West direction room while doing trading also enlighten with awesome profits.

Arranging office room at South direction room may enhance profits in equities.

Northwest Water Well Can Also Lead to Losses in Share Trading

Nifty and VastuA water storage sump located in the Northwest corner can render the inhabitants financially unstable. If a home features a water well in this Northwest corner, it's advised not to engage in share trading until the property has been thoroughly evaluated by a Vastu expert. Proper consultation can help identify potential Vastu corrections to mitigate financial risks and enhance the prosperity of the home's occupants.

Sheds Closing the Northwest Can Also Lead to Losses in Share Market

Sensex vastuThe covering of the Northwest makes the inhabitants IP (Insolvency Petition or Pauper or insolvent), if any resident performing trading business and their house may have Northwest corner covered with any construction may experience huge losses, this house is not at all suitable for the shares trading.

Constructing Straight At Northeast Corner Also Proffer Unexpected Losses in Shares Market

Commodities and vastuHere the house is constructed at Northeast by covering the East and North boundary walls. The entrance gate may be towards West or South then the inhabitants become indebted and the house would be put up for auction in due course. This construction is very dangerous and this house is not at all suitable for the shares trading business. Be careful if any home has like this feature, then STOP the trading immediately.

Dream Home Become Debts Home

vastu sharesIndividuals interested in beginning trading should seek advice from seasoned professionals in the community or gain practical experience by working alongside expert traders before embarking on their trading journey.

Consider this scenario as purely hypothetical, meant for illustrative and educational purposes only: imagine a trader's home, which before venturing into the stock market, is beautiful and filled with joy among all family members.

Now, ponder the changes that might occur after the individual delves into trading. This example is not related to Vastu principles but is crafted to enhance understanding through visualization.

Small Mistake Turns the Home to Auction

vastu for equities businessNotice the distinction here. Pay close attention. Who is responsible for this scenario? Consider the potential impact on your family. It's crucial to deliberate thoroughly before venturing into share trading. This situation is essentially a deceptive paradise, full of enticing illusions. Share this link with your friends; it could be their safeguard.

As a valued visitor, your understanding of our purpose will deepen after exploring this link. We feature no ads; our primary goal is to protect society from this enticing trap. Please, share this link with your friends and family. They, in turn, might share it further, helping us safeguard the well-being and financial stability of our loved ones.

We have previously emphasized how the trading business is extremely delicate and does not yield easily, except under certain circumstances. The question arises: Can Vastu offer any solutions to mitigate losses or enhance profits in trading? While we affirm that solutions do exist, our primary focus remains on the safety and security of the public. Therefore, we choose not to disclose these methods here, aiming to protect individuals from venturing into this complex web of a business. We strongly advise against entering this field.

After all of our enquiries with many famous brokers in Mumbai, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi and Indore finally we came to the conclusion that this business is not at all suitable for the middle-class families. The ratio of getting the profit is 0.5%, so please understand the risk levels.

Deposit your money into banks in your children's name or your wife's name, but don't enter into this trading if you don't have knowledge on these shares market. We collected a huge data on this trading, will publish the remaining content periodically.

Our request is kindly inform to your near and dear, they will pass this link to their friends, finally, everyone knows about this spider net and no one enters into share or commodities or Forex business and they may save their money and life.

Who Will Achieve Profits in Share Market

Numerous traders have secured substantial gains in the stock market, illustrating that success hinges on several key factors: patience, discipline, investment, right advice, proper analysation and timing. Essential to making profitable decisions are knowing when to execute trades, the optimal price points for buying or selling, the right moments to exit, as well as understanding market trends and the global economic landscape. Individuals equipped with this knowledge tend to excel in the competitive arena of stock trading.

Is It Really Possible to Get Profits in Share Market?

It's entirely accurate that profits can be earned in the stock market. But how? Key factors such as patience, emotional stability, discipline, self-control, having sufficient backup funds, keen observation, accumulated experience, and valuing the insights of experts can significantly improve the likelihood of achieving success in the stock market.

Within a night no one can be a millionaire, so maintain patience, you will definitely earn what you are looking for.

House Maintenance is Most Important For Profits Booking

Remember to keep your home well-maintained. An appealing property, characterized by positive vibes, adequate lighting, appealing colors, and upkeep, fosters happiness within the household. Regularly cleaning away dust is crucial, as it represents negative energy. Kindly be in touch with this link to get positive vibes into your space. Daily Vastu Tips

Model Trading Terminal ODIN

vastu for share brokers

There are some brokers, and they wrote all the buy and sell and showing the banners on their websites that they have already predicted such happenings. Check the below images.

Model Trading Terminal ODIN

Share brokers Vastu

Check the above image and the below image. Both were published only on one website. Generally, commodities are going up or down. Regularly volatile, this is common. Sometimes volatile may be heavy. In such positions, they may take it as a chance and making cash of such incidents and published as per market movements. Finally, traders will be attracted to their gimmicks and paying monthly subscriptions and finally dissipate their hard-earned money. So we request everybody, don't enter into this business. It is a poison and spider net.

Vastu shastra for Silver Trading

A small tip to save our money. Read the below information and save your friends/relatives / loved one's hard-earned money.

Vastu vyapar trading

STOP to enter into Trading Business. Many people are asking WHY. This trading business is not meant for people who require to earn easy money. This may be suitable for investment purposes, not for doing business here. Very dangerous way of losing money. excellent attraction and its a spider net. Once enters they may not come out from this trading.

1. If you are a trader, this is exactly for you, please do send your experiences, we will post here, everybody knows your experiences.

2. Please inform this link to your friends, if they are doing trading business or would like to enter into the trading business, they may cautious and will save their money.

3. It may be better to send this link to your all known contacts, so they will definitely forward this link to their friends. We all save our loved one's money. Please help them not to enter into the trading business.

To collect this all above trading business information, we spent lots of money and time, only to save our people hard-earned money, we request you to share your only 10 seconds of time to forward this link to your friends, they will also forward to their friends, everybody will save their money. If you don't like to send "this" website information, no problem you may save content in a word file and send it to your friends. Our main aim and concept is saving money and life.

Your comments are highly appreciated and may be useful for our society. Help society by writing some thoughts on this trading business. Our email id : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

feng shui for share market

We learned that some fictitious companies from Indore and Ahmadabad are calling small gullible traders and are lured to buy scrips promising huge returns. However, these scrips nose dive soon causing huge losses to these hapless victims.

When they try to contact these advisers either they are not traceable are keep you on hold indefinitely and frustrate the victim. We would like to warn you to be careful in this regard.

Fun thing is that: We got a call from Maheswar (Name Changed) from Gujarat and stated that he lost 2.5 crores in shares business. While it is so he is looking for vastu consultancy for only Rs.500/-. He never pays more than Rs.500/-.

Very simple logic, he knows people who practice vastu with Rs.500/- and he got a consultation from them and occurred only 2.5 crore rupees loss. If he is intelligent, he can ask an expert to visit his properties, he never inquired about their fee. Any Vastu experts fee will be below 1% of his losses. Nobody in India demands above 1% as per our knowledge. Later he again called and stated that the fresh losses crossed 3.25 crores.

Still he never wishes to raise the consultant's fee, moreover, he is blaming the vastu consultants why they are charging more than 500 rupees. Let him enjoy the foolishness. There is no any yantra for success in the share market. If people truly like to have any yantra, then we will enquire with our astrologers. Honestly speaking there is no specific yantra for success in share market, but there is yantra like, Kubera Yantra, Lakshmi Yantra, to materialize Dhanaprapthi.

Thank you for sharing great knowledge about vastu. I am into trading business and have posses technical skills. Can you pls tell me which is good direction for trading business for my house and office - Shankar - Mumbai - Maharastra - India.

Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah

1. Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah, ( Dharmo Rakshiti Rakshatah ) This saying is in Sanskrit, means that Dharma that is virtue protects you when it itself is protected by you. Dharma or virtue is life less, a life less thing cannot protect a living being like you. When you start protecting Dharma or Virtue it gains life and thus becomes active. Now that it is active it is in a position to protect you. So is money or Wealth.

2. Trading is another method of earning money, when this trading is converted to earning Dharma or virtue then it becomes lively and protects you. It does not mean loosing financial strength in business is loss of virtue. When earning becomes fair, it itself becomes a virtue. When the same earning is done by unfair means it itself will perish. Not only that it will drag you and perish you too.

3. Trading should not become an obsession. As long as you practice Dharma without any expectation it becomes a part of your life and thus protects you. Once you start coveting Dharma it leaves to misery. Coveting even Dharma leads to destruction. So is wealth and money. Earning the same by fair means and working for that is no sin.

4. Once you developed a lust for money fair means or Dharma becomes a causality. For earning becomes important and not virtue then.

5. As long as trading is done praying the game according to rules one will be safe. The moment one becomes lustful in trade destruction starts. When one cannot say. A small mistake in life if not detected early and corrected leads to habitually making mistakes with the idea of making money. One should avoid such situations. Trading can become an intoxicant, one should know how much one can trade and when to stop.

Commodities Business

Now coming to the Trading, There are many scripts in Commodities | Please note that this does not belong to Vastu | Information collected from many trading brokers :

1. Gold. 2. Silver. 3. Copper. 4. Nickel. 5. Iron ore. 6. Lead. 7. Aluminum etc. Some Energies like Crude Oil, Natural Gas etc. Company Shares Nifty, Sensex etc.

In my enquiries with many trading brokers, we know some hints to do this trading. Many traders are doing so many mistakes in doing trading. How to earn money in trading, why the traders are losing the money in trading. Here are the tips which we got from the famous Indian Brokers.

1. Once start doing trading in commodities, the traders has not to sit before trading terminal continuously.

2. Once order placed, it should be carefully placed after reading many articles in trading websites, getting recommendations from famous trading brokers etc, once order placed then it should not be again and again modified.

3. If you would like to buy Gold (Approximately brokerage companies collecting Rs.1,25,000/-) (For intraday some companies collecting only Rs.20,000/-) etc, your account must have at least Rs.10,00,000/- and more, then you will be saved. Otherwise, you may be in risk and getting tension. You can play with approximately 20% only of your deposited money, if you crossed more than 50% of your deposited money, then it may be a chance in getting risk, if you are doing trading only with 15% of your deposited money then you will be in safer side.

4. Stop loss technique is safe for traders. It is better to exit from the positions once your trading crossed your stop loss. If you placed the stop loss order, it will automatically exit from the positions.

For example: if you buy GOLD for a price of Rs.31,750/- and you are expecting the price of Rs.32,000/-, your profit points are 250 points and you will get Rs.25,000/-, each big lot is Rs.100/- value. That means one point raise means Rs.100/- raised. You may fix the stop loss for this trade is Rs.31,650/- or Rs.31,700/- etc. If you did not place the stop loss order, then what happens, if gold raised to above 32000 then no problem, or it may reversal to Rs.30,700/- you may lose almost 1050 points. It means you may loose Rs.1,05,000 /-. Instead of getting one lac loss, it is better to fix for only 5000 or 10000 rupees only. That is why stop-loss technique is suggested for traders.

5. Getting too many recommendations or suggestions from many recommendation companies or persons is wrong method. You may depend only on one recommendation company or person, so there is no any confused and you will be relaxed, otherwise, you may stick to only one order placement, if you are again and again modify the order and finally getting loss from this situation, everything may be out of your control. This leads to only losses.

6. If you have sufficient funds then immediately made payouts of your profit amounts in this trading. Don't wait for any long capitals.

7. Hedging is also one of the best options in this trading. But it should be placed with only one expert or best trading consultant recommendation, otherwise, you may be in spider net.

8. Who are too speed and hurry in this market, they may be looser, who do the trading with slow and steady then there is the biggest chances to get profits here.

9. Trading breakouts in commodities mean that a trader will look to buy a commodity as it reaches new highs and sells a commodity as it shades to new lows. Reaching new highs and lows can easily be located or spotted on that specific commodity chart, as they are the peaks and troughs. Expert professional traders use these techniques when they are managing with large sums of money.

The philosophy for this strategy is simple – a market can’t continue its trend without making new highs or new lows. This strategy works best when commodities are trending strongly. It doesn’t matter whether the trend is up or down, as you are buying new highs and selling(shorting) new lows. The drawback of this strategy is that it performs very poorly when markets don’t establish strong trends.

10. Many traders in this market thought that why our orders are moving against to our targets. That is the market. It never moves as per your view. The whole world is expecting one commodity to reach to the topper positions, but it is not guaranteed when coming to the market, it may go as per its own way. Suddenly market may collapses or suddenly it may jump. Be prepare for everything.

11. Clean your hands every day (exit from all positions daily) this is also safe trading. Only sometimes that to you have 100% guarantee that any script may reach to top levels in next day, then hold it otherwise exit and wait for fresh call or trade.

12. This is official gambling. Please have a look on some rich people, though they have knowledge on this markets and trading and commodities but they are not entering into this market, why ?

13. Losing your hard-earned money in trading is brainless & useless. Instead, consider starting a safer, more reliable business to protect your capital. Trading is not safe and highly risky; despite having their strategies, many traders still fail to profit consistently. Some may initially see substantial gains, aiming for even higher returns, only to lose these rapid profits in the end. Establish clear profit targets, know your precise profit margin and your strategy. (This content is from subhavaastu.com) Once you achieve your profit goal, exit your positions promptly. Do not chase additional gains, as the market can quickly turn against you. Mastering the exit strategy is a critical skill that distinguishes successful traders.

These points are presented here for those firmly committed to trading. However, our sincere and strongest advice is to avoid entering this field. Trading can be risky, potentially threatening your hard work and savings. Consider the implications for your children's future if mistakes are made. It's a harsh reality that some traders lose substantial amounts of money without a second thought, yet scrutinize every rupee when it comes to family or household expenses. (This content is from www.SubhaVaastu.com) They hesitate to spent money for their spouse or children. Additionally, the stress from trading losses or poor decisions sometimes leads traders to unfairly lash out at their family members, raising their voices or even mistreating their children over trivial matters.

Rajasekhar's Journey Through Commodity Trading

This story is a bit lengthy, but requiring only two or three minutes of your time, it's worth reading for insights into your future well-being and security in commodities trading. Nearly 10,000 readers have already shared this article, and we've received numerous calls praising about incidences like Rajasekhar's experience.

1. At this point, we narrate an incidence known to us. This is not a fabrication. One by name Rajasekhar (name changed to protect his identity) had a good profession as Engineer, had a comfortable and modest life. He got into gold trading by chance through an acquaintance of his childhood friend.

2. It was so attractive. Rajasekhar felt happy that he is earning handsomely in trading. It became a sort of infatuation seeing the potential he left his job and indulged in this activity the whole day except Saturday and Sunday and holidays. The initial investment of two lacs has become about Rs.5,50,000/- in under two months.

3. It was boom period and Rajasekhar entered in right time and made a neat fortune. This happened in 2011 when precious metals suddenly zoomed. Seeing the trend he invested his entire earnings and it went upto around Rs.9,50,000/-.

4. Seeing the prosperity like this his wife desired that now they could afford a LED TV which was her long unfulfilled desire. Rajasekhar prevailed upon her to hold on till the sum becomes Rs.15,00,000/-, she also encouraged (This matter is from subhavaastu.com) and enjoying this unexpected, unnatural and immediate profits.

5. He denied himself also ordinary pleasures of having a Honda car Sedan model, all these are natural results. He had a fancy while in service that one day he would ride his own Honda sedan reach to the office and show of his skills to his friends and colleagues, this also he postponed for a day when his fortunes would multiply manifold.

6. Thinking of possible buying he contacted dealers obtained all data and was planning a visit to holy shrines Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams in the newly acquired car with the family. He even employed a driver as he did not possess this skill. Before the car could come the driver was appointed. Obviously, the driver had nothing to drive and so daily come to the Rajasekhar’ house and take food and go away, this lasted a week.

7. To fulfill this need it was obvious that Rajasekhar had to sell some of his existing earnings in the trading in fact a significant portion of his earnings. (This matter is from subhavaastu.com) The car would have consumed say about Rs.8,00,000/- from out of the total status of nearly Rs.13,50,000/- which was available in his trading.

8. Instead of buying the car seeing the market trend Rajasekhar invested all the Rs.13,50,000/- in Silver Trading in September / October. 2011. He has not withdrawn even a single rupee from these trading earning. For he decided that after his trading income comes to Rs.15,00,000/-, he wanted to exit from this trading business.

9. Unfortunately silver fell over 8000 points on a single day. Rajasekhar lost heavily since his objective was a target income of Rs.15,00,000/-, he borrowed a sum of Rs.2,00,000/- and invested in Silver to protect his holdings. The next day silver did not recover and on the other hand, there was further fall, though not as high as the day before. Rajasekhar borrowed another sum of Rs.5,00,000/- and invested in the silver trade so that his holdings could be protected.

10. In the next two days with the sole aim of protection of his holdings, he invested a further sum of Rs.4,00,000/-. (This matter is from subhavaastu.com) Thus his investment in the trading which he began with the two lacs became Rs.13,00,000/- and the worth of the holdings became Rs.40,000/-, he exited from the silver positions.

11. Soon after silver took a “U” turn and gained over 6000 points, had he not exited he would have recovered a significant portion of his investment. Now he lost virtually all. The remaining sum could not fetch the LED TV let alone his fancy sedan. In trading one should be careful.

12. One cannot predict an outcome of gain or loss. There are brokers in this trading in advising you what to buy, when to buy and when to exit. They may be genuinely honest but none of the outcomes are predictable to a reasonable accuracy.

13. With the result, the uncertainty factor would always be haunting you. It is for this reason that if you are keen in trading invest so much money that you can afford to lose which means do not expect a fortune it may rise or fall.

14. Now let us see what Rajasekhar has done. He spent approximately six months in a miserable state. It took quite some time to recover his mental posture. His wife also became greatly disturbed. As she lost her personal jewellery in this whole bargain.

15. After about six months they started trading again with a new resolve, limiting their ambition to recover their initial investment which they lost earlier. A well-wisher of this couple to consult a Vastu Consultant prior to restarting trading.

16. Fortunately, they could contact a competent Vastu specialist who advised them certain modifications in the house. (This matter is from subhavaastu.com) Rajasekhar complied with suggestion incurring a small expenditure and started trading once again.

17. However this time the speculation was not there. The meteoric rise in the business was definitely absent. Income is coming slowly but steadily. The speculative impulse which was seen earlier is greatly moderated. Thus avoiding possible pitfalls. The couple is able to buy the LED TV which they did not earlier, contentment has set in. yet trading is going on satisfactorily and steadily.

18. What happened, the Vastu Effects in the house (read detailed information on House Vastu from this link) had their field day. And it brought ruination rather too fast. Now income is steady and growing, the earlier impulsive decisions are avoided. You are the judge to conclude as to how this has come about.

Experts Answers For All Vastu Shastra Questions

+12 #8 KUDOSJEEVAN GANAPATHI 2017-02-21 16:33
Hello Sir, I am living in a North facing rented house and it has a Northeast cut, the main door is to the North and the Kitchen to the Southeast and the master bedroom in the SW and I am also in to share trading and I am into small losses here and there, which would be the best direction to sit with a laptop in front and where to sit, and what would be the best time to enter into the market every day. My salutes to this website builders. I know how tough to bring such information on a free ticket to everyone who visits here. You did a great job by creating such a wonderful and extraordinary informative site. God bless you sir. Thanking you.
+8 #7 Lost 75 lacs in commodities business, how vastu helps to recoverJanardhan M 2017-02-10 06:06
Respected sir, basically we are from Bangalore city, please let me know how to consult the vastu expert for shares because I lost nearly 75 lakhs in trading and please let me know whether I can recover my losses by trading in shares equities, if yes please give the solution. I would have to consult you before starting this trading enterprise. Actually, I got one consultancy from an unprofessional vastu person by seeing his free services, and based on his recommendations I did all corrections to the home, after completing house modifications with his instructions only we entered into the commodities market and lost 75 lac rupees. Getting heavy pains by losing all my hard-earned money. Sir, I know I should not press anyone at this moment to recover the losses. It is purely my fault. I should not check for vastu consultancy charges before entering into this commodities business. Badluck. This should hopefully happen to me. No one in this world performed what I do in my entire life, I lost all of my savings. Please help me sir. Your website is an encyclopedia of vastu. my best wishes for your all of your future.
+11 #6 Business ThrustMonson De Manuel 2014-04-15 05:05
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+9 #5 Shares and Commodities TradingElijah 2014-04-03 10:13
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+7 #4 Commodities TradingShree 2014-04-03 01:37
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+12 #3 Shares, Commodities and Sensex Nifty Trading BusinessWilfredo 2014-04-02 21:19
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+14 #1 Shares, Commodities and Sensex Nifty Trading BusinessPeggy 2014-04-02 04:20
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Vastu Testimonials Delivered By Respected Residents

Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Delayed Marriages

Exploring Vastu Factors Behind Delayed Marriages.. An investigative study focusing on "The Impact of Vastu on Delayed Marriages" and exploring "Vastu Factors Contributing to Infertility Issues"."

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Inspirational Quotations

"Embrace a singular idea and make it the essence of your existence. Let it occupy your thoughts, dreams, and every breath you take. Infuse it into your brain, muscles, nerves—every fiber of your being. Abandon all other distractions and focus solely on this one idea. This is the path to true success." — Swami Vivekananda

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

A man was in the hospital for 3 weeks. He fell in love with a beautiful nurse there.

He Proposed his love through a message to her :

"You have stolen my heart."

The worried nurse, in fear, said: "No sir, we only took your kidney. We didn't even touch your heart.

Vastu Tip of the Day

Place a small water fountain (please note that, very very small in size) in the northeast corner of your home. Flowing water symbolizes the flow of wealth and positive energy, enhancing the overall prosperity and tranquility of the household. Ensure the water is kept clean and fresh to maintain a harmonious atmosphere. For More Daily Vastu Tips : Daily Vastu Tips

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