We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Ideas About Bedroom Vastu Tips

1. Before proceeding with the content below, we would like to direct your attention to the Complete Bedroom Vastu Ideas page. Visiting this article will provide you with a deeper understanding of this subject.

2. Vastu Tips for Bedrooms: In the past, we cherished a life filled with our elders in very big house, often referred to as joint families. Those were beautiful days when every family member enjoyed the company of their blood relatives. In times of illness or health issues, the entire family would gather together to care for and support the affected member until they recovered.

3. However, in recent times, our lives have become confined to small spaces such as apartments (know more about Apartment Vastu guidelines through this article). We have adapted to these changes in our lives, whether they are beneficial or not. It seems that a majority of people are now choosing flats ( here is complete flats Vastu ideas) as their preferred living option.

4. The reasons for this choice can vary, but some common factors include security and the practicality of building individual homes due to labor issues or cost of construction and other headaches..

5. Apartments offer a sense of security that is important in today's world where technological advancements have also led to sophisticated methods of theft and deception. While in the past we may not have encountered such advanced forms of crime, the present-day reality demands heightened security measures.

6. This need for security may be one of the primary reasons why apartments have become a popular choice for many individuals. Additionally, the affordability of apartments compared to independent homes is also a significant factor in their selection.

7. It is important to note that the decision to live in an apartment is influenced by various factors and individual circumstances like both husband and wife has to work, otherwise saving may not be possible.

8. Now most of the people are suffering from heavy expenditures and lesser income. Expenditure is gradually increasing day by day. Vastu Our lifestyle also changed, we are selecting the branded items.

9. For small things also many times we are visiting shopping malls for each and every domestic item and buying the unnecessary things either required or not required things from malls and scratching the credit card and later suffering with banker pressures.

10. Many people now saying that unnecessary things were bought while we visited shopping malls to buy only the required goods, our vision may change when seeing different things in the malls, that is why the Americans introduced this credit card system and due to it many people wrongly utilizing it and buying unnecessary items. If we carry only cash then we may buy "only" the necessary items with that cash.

11. Once we go with starting scratching the credit cards at shopping malls then we buy more items from the mall. Buy only the required items at shopping malls. When you are leaving to shopping malls don't carry credit cards, take only money or if necessary then carry only "debit cards".

12. Now coming to Vaastu Tips for Bedroom, you are well known that bedroom plays a most crucial and vital role in Vastu. Best Expert Vastu Specialists are compulsory check the bedroom thoroughly while in their Vastu consultancy.

13. Some Vastu pandits may take at least 5 to 10 minutes only in the bedroom to observe each and every part and the particular location of the bedroom. Here they may not be wrong, because Vastu Tips for Bedroom is the most important in Vastu Shastra and in human life.

14. If the home is the skewed property and it's a "-" (Minus) property, then it may be a general that one may get Fearful dreams, Non-Harmony in relation may be observed. If the house was inclined and it was "+" (Plus) then it may develop your growth in your profession and in your business etc.

15. In our Indian Vasthu our expert Vastu Consultant given much importance to this bedroom part as each and every human being is spending atleast 6 to 9 hours in this room based on their sleeping habit.

16. The main concept in our website is quality tips for a wonderful and peaceful living. Bedroom (here is Vastu for Bedroom) is having its significance, so that we wrote nearly 270 pages book only on bedroom Vaasthu, it was published in Telugu language only, very soon we will release in English and Hindi languages.

17. The bedroom is not meant for discussions, enjoy with your life partner at bedroom, don't discuss the nonsense things at bedroom., if the vastu at a bedroom is good, you will enjoy the real sensual life and have a great rest at bedroom without disturbances and mental tensions. If the Vastu in the bedroom is not good, then you are thinking about all nonsense things and unnecessary issues and forgetting the family life and human sensual entertainment.

18. Don't support to discuss the unusual matters at this room as this room is kept only for taking rest and human sensual activities etc. Cut the jokes at this room to get more relax and humorous, life will be happier if you made it with some minimum principles.

19. Extending the Northeast portion or eshan ( Ishan or Northeast house Vastu) at a bedroom is most important point and we have shown many images in SubhaVaastu.com website, after so many experiments finally we discovered some extraordinary excellent powerful bedrooms, if anyone construct bedrooms, they may get such support from us with a small and minor service charge.

20. Before getting the bedroom plans, it's better to have a complete vastu consultation from only the best vastu expert, it's an ideal thought and wise decision.

21. The only bedroom may not support the inhabitants in all other Vastu results but this room is having its own discretion in getting good experience, if entire home was built with vastu principles then they have complete home with vastu principles, then they will have a good life.

22. Generally, bedroom is placed or constructed at Southwest Corner (Nairuthi) of the house and most of the Vastu Consultant are saying this information only if the outside of this bedroom is not worst than residents enjoy the real life, otherwise, the residents of that bedroom may face problems and troubles. Surroundings plays a vital role in Vastu that we should not forget in our vastu consultancy. If the neighborhood Vastu is good and supports the home, the master bedroom towards Southwest is the best idea.

23. Vastu Tips For Southwest Bedroom

bedroom tips SubhaVaastuIn this image almost bed came into Southwest part in this bedroom, more space towards North and East ( study all in one about East direction Vastu through this page), by applying more space for these two directions, automatically Northeast will be more than all other directions, less space towards Southwest, South and West directions. This is the a good concept.

24. Generally, residents may take rest/sleep approximately 7 to 8 hours here, (some may sleep 12 hours also) Vastu counts on time, time is the most important factor in Vaasthu, calculate the time where you are generally staying in your house. Residents generally stay most of the time in a home would be at the bedroom.

25. Lots of secrets in Vastu. We will publish most of them here. Yes you may inform all these Vastu secrets to your friends, they may also enjoy their peaceful life, applying Vastu is not a challenge and evil, it's a simple way of getting right directions force welcoming into our residing parts.

26. For comprehensive info on bedroom vastu, click this link Bedroom Vastu

27. It is best to have the bedrooms in the South, South-West and West directions only. The first preference direction is the Southwest. At no cost should the bedroom be built in the Northeast part. East and North bedrooms kept for your kids. Breadwinner should not make the East or North bedroom as his own bedroom.

28. It is not good for the house owner’s health and financial well-being to have his bedroom in the Northeast, East or North. Sometimes the residents of that bedroom may be facing lots of difficulties with others, mostly financial, health, sufferings from unnecessary expenditures, etc.

29. People sleeping in Southeast bedrooms may suffer from sleeplessness, anxiety, and a short temper. That is why many Vastu consultants are not supposed to suggest the Southeast bedrooms for the breadwinner.

30. The owner sleeping in Northwest bedrooms suffers instability, better to keep this Northwest bedroom for your daughters. ( Read about entire Northwest house Vastu remedies).

31. It is best for the house owner to sleep in the Southwest bedroom and in case the Southwest bedroom is not possible, then the arrangement can be made in the South or West room as their bedroom.

32. Direction for the head to be placed while sleeping

33. If the head is towards the South then, with sound sleep and lesser tensions also health improves.

34. If the head is towards the East, then the improvement in knowledge.

35. If the head is towards the West ( know all about West direction homes as per Vastu) then may experience of very slight and little Ill health problems, but overall, keeping the head towards West direction is also co-operating the residents in several cases.

36. If the head is towards the North, then bad dreams, ill-health and disturbed sleep (Many doctors also opinioned the same when people sleep keeping their head towards North direction (several experiences published at this North direction Vastu homes link), Vastu is a proved science, in many cases, it was found that the power of this science is great, but we are still working to prove on many other things in this science. Time will come to prove all things as per this science. We request all visitors to co-operate to prove all factors in this traditional Indian method.

37. . Place the cupboard in the bedroom at South, West or Southwest(Nairuthi). The first preference is the Southwest part. Nowadays we don't have much space to keep the cupboards in the bedroom as the room is very smaller in size, at this moment, inhabitants may arrange the cupboards towards Northwest or Southeast, but it should be ideally shown by with one Vastu Specialist.

38. Place the Bed at Southwest (Nairuthi) leaving someplace at South, West, and Southwest corners as shown in the above picture, the next best places the bed in the South direction (read detailed information about South direction in Vastu through this article), the third best place is West direction.

39. If the bed is placed exactly towards East direction without giving any space then ill-health observes, misunderstandings, the male candidate has to face unnecessary words from his wife or with others.

40. if the bed is placed at Southeast corner ( know complete Southeast house Vastu tips) then inhabitants may experience the tension life.

41. If the bed is placed at North direction without leaving any space at North direction then financial problems, ill-health, misunderstanding between family members, doubtful nature.

42. If the bed is placed at Vayavya (Northwest) corner, many troubles have to face like financial disturbances, the tension in business or tension with partners, etc.

43. Square and rectangular shaped bedrooms are the best, so construct according to this method, the unsystematic typed bedrooms may not be fulfilled the resident's needs.

44. The bedroom is always observed very clean, the basic principle of not breaking up a room into little bits is equally applicable to the floor. That is why a room with a wall-to-wall carpet looks much bigger than a one with rugs scattered all over. However, given the Indian climatic conditions, maintaining carpets and rugs requires a huge effort and can only be risked in an air-conditioned and dust-free environment.

45. The latest option is laminate flooring and it does seem to have a lot of advantages, while also being aesthetically appealing and free from the hassles of ordinary wooden flooring. It should be noted that the same flooring sweeping through several rooms gives a better, more spacious Vastu effects.

46. Nowadays, many residents has air conditions in their sleeping rooms, be careful when the room is covered with wall to wall carpet, because these carpets deposited dust and virus or bacteria and may form health disorders to the inhabitants.

47. If carpet is already there, maintain it very regularly by washing it or clean with auto air cleaner machines. Very regularly you have to do this action, so you may maintain at least free from bacteria.

48. vasthu bedroom15. In this image the bed at bedroom is at almost Nairuthi (Southwest) corner, you may plan to keep one stool or teapoy table towards East and North to place mini-articles like phone, bed lamp etc, towards East or North side may also place one study table, that can be used to write letters, read books etc., the East side may be Television, the items should not touch the walls, if you kept these towards North or East, if you plan the same towards South or West then they may touch the walls too. Observe some space towards South and West direction to this bed.

49. You may use the Northeast-east door or Northeast North door. You may fix the TV (with or without TV Stand) towards North or East as shown in this image. Here shown two doors and two TV's placement, this is for your kind information purpose only.

50. Use only one door, regarding LCD television better to keep towards North wall, so no need to get pain by watching this TV, because your head is towards South direction and its most convenient watching the North placed TV.

51. For more information click this Vastu for Bedroom Link

52. The bedroom of the head of the family should be in the South-west corner of the West side. If there are more than one floor, the head of the family should have a bedroom on the upper story in the Southwest corner of the West direction.

53. This room is also good for adult married children. But under no condition, it should be a bedroom of the younger children. There are clashes and unnecessary quarrels in the house. A bedroom in the South direction can also be tolerated.

54. If you have more space or you have a bigger house, then you may plan everything by discussing with one expert vastu consultant and provide the most facilitated rooms for your family members.

55. While sleeping, make sure that everyone sleeps with his or her head pointing towards the South direction, so legs will come towards North direction. Keeping head towards North direction should be completely avoided, as it acts as a source of nightmares and disturbed sleep.

56. Avoid placing the divine idols in the bedroom, and also divine photo frames. If you compulsory requires almighty photo at bedroom then keep it at East direction, so when you get up from bed see his feet first and later see his face.

57. As a part of Vastu guidelines for bedroom, if you want to have a bookshelf in your bedroom, then West or Southwest corner is apt for this purpose or even South direction is also a good place to keep the bookshelf.

58. The beds should be of good quality wood. They should be solid and must not be shaky. The mattress should provide good support to the body while resting. Box beds are ideally not recommended, but due to the paucity of space in houses these days, getting rid of box beds is easier said than done.

59. Make sure you De-clutter and sort out things kept in the box-beds from time to time. Shoes and chappals should not be kept under a bed try to keep the area under the bed, as clean as possible. Your bedroom should be a place where you can totally get relaxed.

60. Keep objects that remind you of unfinished tasks out of the room, or at least out of sight. A bedroom should be aesthetically designed with soothing colors and pictures. Have pleasant pictures associated with happy memories around you.

61. If the room is so wide then the foot of the bed should not directly face the Northeast-east or Northeast-north door of the room. At any cost, the bed should not be placed under a beam.

62. The Southwest area of the bedroom should not be kept empty. Keep heavy furniture or an Almira here. Not recommending to keep your temple/pooja at bedrooms, if you are living in only one room, then you may place temple towards Northeast only, single rooms are common in many cities nowadays, for example, we found such rooms in Sharjah, Dubai, Mumbai, etc.

63. . Avoid fixing doors in the Southwest of the bedroom, otherwise, you will suffer from ill health, sudden damage to your sovereignty, weak in finance, disturbed life with no peace, etc.

64. The main bedroom should be on the Southwest part of the home. If there is an upper story or first floor in the house, the master bedroom may be on this upper floor and that too in the Southwest corner.

65. Adult married children can also use this room. Younger children, however, should not use it because that will cause trouble in the household. Please note that this Southwest bedroom is good for the breadwinners.

66. Bedrooms on the Northeast part/direction/side of the house will also cause trouble.

67. Bedroom walls may be painted a light rose, dark blue, dark green, gray, etc, there is no specific rule for the painting of this room, if you feel that you like some colors then you may go with that colors. Some authorities say that the walls should not be painted white or a light yellow.

68. The door should be set in the East, West, or North, and should ideally be one door not two doors. Nothing wrong happens if that room door is having two planks or a single big door. If you require you may go with light colors or bright colors at North and East walls, dark colors may be used at South or West directions, as we said that colors may not be in Vastu, but it applies to our brain waves, so select only your interested color at this room.

69. One should sleep in his own house with his head facing South or East. If one is staying in some others house, or while traveling, he may sleep with his head at facing West but the first preference may always goes to South or East direction only. One should never sleep with his head facing North. Avoid North to keep your head.

70. Benefits if you keep your head towards South direction : Your head to the South means positive magnetic energy comes from the North direction, the blood in our body contains iron, making your body magnetic with the positive polarity in your head. When you sleep with your head to the North direction while sleeping, these two positive polarities repel each other, disrupting the flow of bold and affecting your sleep and health that is why even many researchers and doctors also not recommending to sleep by keeping our head towards North direction.

71. Upon rising from bed/ get up from bed, the right foot should be placed on the floor first. If one is interested to study/studying in the bedroom, then facing towards East direction may be good.

72. The wardrobe may be located on the Northwest or Southwest side of the bedroom. TV is good towards East or North direction. Room Heaters are good at Southeast and air conditioners may be located in the South or West directions, so cooling spreads entire room easily.

73. At night it is advisable to keep a light burning / switch on the light at entire night. Pitch dark bedrooms are not good and not recommended the entire darkness at bedrooms. Mild lighting is recommended. We are not recommending the red colour. Generally we are recommending white, blue, green etc.

74. The bulb should not directly on to your eyes, it should be placed not to disturb your sleep. If the light exactly opposite to your eyes, though your eyes were closed, but your eye ball will catch that light lighting and you may not have easily dropped into sleep. Think on each and everything you may also get very good ideas and it may became good luck to you.

75. The bed room flooring should be higher than all the other rooms flooring, so that the owner of the house will enjoy the standard, please note that if this room should only be towards Southwest.

76. The main entrance to the bedroom will always be at Northeast corner either towards East or North sides. Some where we observed the Northwest or Southeast entrance doors, that would be wrong entrances.

77. If the bedroom door is not possible to fix at Northeast corner, (generally Southwest bedrooms, Northeast side door is recommended) then fix at towards East or North directions.

78. Try not to sleep in direct alignment with sharp corners. Sharp corners act as energy spears and create stress in the nervous system. There is not serenity in a room that has sharp corners except by softening them by placing plants in front of them. You can also try moving your bed away from direct alignment with them.

79. Safe VastuSee this picture, here is one iron safe, keep this type of heavy items at Southwest corner of the bedroom, and better to keep on the small Chapta (constructed with solid rocks). The door should be openable towards North or second best is East direction. The back of this iron safe should be towards South, the next best is West side i.e, the door has to opens towards East direction. Keep at least 6 inches open space at back of this iron safe or cash box. Generally, heavy weights are good to keep towards Southwest part of your sleeping room.

80. Bedroom safe vaastuClick this link for more information on Bedrooms These wood almirah or cup board may be kept at Southeast or Northwest sides at bedrooms, if already the heavier almirah was occupied towards Southwest. The doors of this type almirahs may be openable towards East or South. If the almirah placed at Southeast corner, then the door may be openable towards North as first preference and West side as the second preference. These type of Almira's should be kept on the general flooring only.

81. Please note that if you have any iron safe towards Southwest direction then this wooden Almira may be placed towards above the recommended areas, if you don't have iron safe towards Southwest direction, then this Almira may be placed at Southwest corner or direction. Don't forget this tip. Shortly we will upload some more best Vastu shastra tips for bedroom.

82. Where to keep our head, cot in a Bedroom, where to keep the Almira and many more things, we spent lots of money only on this Bedroom link. Don't forget to visit this link.

83. Windows are good towards Southern Southeast or Western Northwest for the Southwest Master Bedroom. If the room is more spacious and outer side is having good vastu support then you may plan South or West windows. General recommendation is smaller windows are good at this portions.

84. Floor level may be more elevated than all other rooms floor level, if the master bedroom is towards Southwest direction.

85. If the master bedroom is towards North, East or Northeast and there is no chance to change this bedroom to any other directions, then floor level may be depressed on all other parts of the home.

86. Please note that what ever you are going to do, it should be done only after getting suggestions from one expert vastu consultant, otherwise you may loose many things. Vastu experts personal visit is required for your future happiness and security.

87. Above all the ideas the most important point is, keep this room as much as clean and attractive to have good vibrations and most energetic.

Significant Questions on Vastu

+7 #12 Cupboard position in bedroomYogesh Raut 2017-07-18 02:59
Dear Sir, we have two cupboard in our bedroom and each one open front to front. One cupboard position is North direction and other one open at south. Please guide for the best. Thank you. Yogesh Raut.
+3 #11 Advise painting size for bedroomRaj singh 2017-03-21 06:17
Dear sir
Please sand a painting size for wall
Raj singh
+5 #10 Is it BAD or UNLUCKY to keep 3 Doors Almirah in Bed Room?Kas 2016-10-15 15:51

I just want to know whether is it bad or unlucky to keep 3 doors almirah in Bed Room ???? if it is bad what are the consequences ? is there any remedies for the same ? Thanks
+8 #9 bedroom photoframenitu sharma 2016-01-29 08:13
My bedroom is in southeast corner of house.Inthat bedroom there is 1bigphotoframe .Its of me ,my husband and my son in sothwest corner of room.My son is becoming stubborn and is getting lot of anger and many times argue with me and my husband.Is it because of photoframe as that area belong to owner of house
+4 #8 bedroomsubhash sharma 2016-01-29 08:02
I have bedroom in southeast corner of house.I have 1 bigphotoframe in that bedroom in sothwest corner.In that frame I ,my husband and my son is there.As that area belong to owner of house .Is it ok to keep picture of we 3 overthere.My son is becoming stubborn and getting lot of anger.Is it because of frame.
+8 #7 How to negate I'll effects of NW MBTPurti 2015-06-09 01:59
We are moving into new rented accommodation. The MBR is in SW and Children bedroom in the NW. Since the bedroom in NW is more spacious and has attached bath and balcony we are swapping the room.So now MBR will be in NW and kids bedroom in SW.
Please suggest remedy to avoid the ill effects due to these changes.
0 #6 Apartment master bedroomNidhi 2015-04-11 23:41
Hi, We have purchased new2 bed room apartment with master bedroom in North East direction of the house . Our main door is east facing . Please suggest remedies if this is not suitable
-3 #5 master bedroomanuja 2015-03-22 16:17
In my duplex house master bedroom is situated in south west direction below it is kitchen on ground floor.What are vastu remedies for this system.
+6 #4 Question regarding bedroomSeema 2014-05-30 08:30
Hi, my kitchen is in southwest and master bedroom in north west , other bedroom is in south east.. I want to know that if I change the the kitchen to south east nd other bedroom to southwest in my 5th floor flat will it be ok... Because the fourth floor person kitchen will be in south west and above his kitchen my bedroom so it will effect or not...please answer me....thank you.
+13 #3 Master Bedroom vastuAshwini 2014-05-07 12:42
I have read that M. bedroom should be in South west. We are planning to buy an apartment which has master bedroom in North west direction of the house. And Adjacent to it (South West) is guest bedroom. So please let me know if its ok to have Master bedroom in North west direction, what are ill effects and remedies to get rid of those. And since guest room is in South-west, mostly no one will stay in that room. Is it ok to be kept vacant?
+7 #2 Mr.Raj Gupta 2014-04-24 07:17
Dear sir, highly inspired by your site. i have a query please, and please try to sort this out. I have bought a new flat and the master bedroom is North-west side, means the direction of head is towards North and legs on south side. west is attached Almirah+window+ door to balcony and east is bathroom cum toilet. other rooms, lift n stairs are also on west side. Can you please suggest, what kind of arrangements we should do to make the bedroom perfect. We can't change the bed position but can do anything on the front wall (south). Additionally our entrance is from North to south. Space on corner front is available n empty. what should we put for growth and happiness there. highly regards and looking forward for your reply...
+9 #1 questionhasini 2014-03-24 18:38
I am staying in a single room with my husband. I m arranging in that kitchen southeast n bedroom in north east direction cupboard in towards east direction at west side. My husband has started business. He is hardworking getting quiry from customer side but not getting final order. Is there any problem in our home. Could you please help out from this situations and what precautions we have to take.
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Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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Inspirational Quotations

"The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong." — Swami Vivekananda

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

Rajesh: Chintu, what would you do if you accidentally stepped on an elderly man's foot?

Chintu: I would say sorry, Dad.

Rajesh: Good, you have made me proud my son. What if he appreciates your behavior and gives you a chocolate?

Chintu: I did step on his other foot right away, Dad!

Vastu Tip of the Day

Furniture plays a crucial role in enhancing the ambiance and bringing positive energy into our homes. For the best results, it’s important to choose high-quality furniture. Opting for cheaper options might compromise the potential for good luck and a positive environment. A home with inadequate furniture might see a decrease in fortune, so it's essential to invest in premium furniture that meets your needs and supports a prosperous atmosphere. For More Daily Vastu Tips : Daily Vastu Tips

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