We are planning to publish Vastu websites in all Indian Official Languages. Your assistance in this regard is highly appreciated. India is a land of selfless people who are ever ready to pick up causes for social service. Through this message we request you to lend a hand for the successful completion of this project in terms of Finances. We humbly take this opportunity to mention that our services to military personnel, all Indian government offices and freedom fighters have always been free. Don't chop the trees in the name of this science as they are the heavenly elements. Trees form the basis for the potential development of a property, provide us a sense of security, in addition to helping us prosper in several ways such as Education, Peace, Money and health.

Vastu Tips for Cellars | Basement Vastu Tips | Undergrounds | Rumpus room | Tenement

Basement Vastu Tips: Due to place shortage man hunting for various ways for parking, shopping places, house, living, office (office Vastu) areas etc.

In his further search, he finds one good idea and implemented the CELLAR. In some areas, these cellars are called "Basements" or "underground". We are providing Vastu tips for Underground in this chapter to know safe places for underground locations. We are constantly updating this Vaastu tips for cellars page. If you have questions, share them with us, we will explain with answers with images.

1. What is the Meaning of Basement?

Basement means, it's nothing but a cellar, or a floor below the main floor land, (downstairs or underground room). Here basement means another floor under the main ground level floor. Or it is also called a lower ground floor or dunny Be alert when dealing with basements as these have come under land depressions and elevations. Proper care has to be taken.

2. What Are Suitable Basement Placements As per Vastu?

==> Don't plan for cellars to construct at Southwest corner of the plots (plot Vastu), house, shopping complex, factory (factory Vastu).

==> When preparing the house Vastu plans, then keep it in mind about this basements and their placements as per Vastu.

==> Wrong placement of basement ruins entire enterprise. One should be careful when planning of such cellars to their properties.

==> Normally, the Northeast corner is the best suitable place for the Cellars.

==> Several experienced Vastu consultants advise not to go cellars towards West, most of the cases, these West cellars may damage residents hardship and peace.

Please note that some principles on basements may not work properly, because of they are situated in cities or towns or villages, this is indeed a huge subject to discuss. Anyway, before going for remediation for any mistake, best to show the property to one expert and obtain an appropriate decision.

==> Is Basement good for business: Coming straight to the point, generally, the east and north facing basements may not give good results. But in the same way, the South and West facing basements are giving good results in getting business. Most of the time, this rule may not be applicable in cities.

For example, if take Chickpet in Bangalore city, many East Facing Shops have basements, so the negativity will become diluted and spread to all and finally makes this rule uncountable.

If there is no basements in a town, for example, take one town, Anakapalli, then they may not get good results if they run businesses in east facing or north facing basements. If this small town also having several east basement shops or homes, then this principle may be ruled out.

==> Vasthu for basement office: The same above rule is also applicable to basement offices. Anyway, caution is safe to follow.

3. Guidelines for Basement

Normally, the basement for East facing houses is not recommended.

Generally, the basement for West facing homes will become good, if it is planned at East direction only.

Usually, the basement for North Facing Houses are not auspicious. It is required to take expert opinion before finalizing North basements.

Typically, the basement for South facing houses may be supportive, if it is planned at North direction only.

Tentatively the basement for Northeast facing houses may not assistive for the benefit of the users. For some NE shops this basement fit, but it should be decided by expert.

Commonly, the basement for Southeast facing homes may be decided by the consultant, he will guide after observing several homes or shops in neighbor locations.

Customarily, the basement for Southwest facing homes are superb, but the condition is it should be properly planned at NE direction.

Ordinarily the cellar at Northwest Facing Homes may or may not supportive, it has to be decided by the pandits. Please show the property and then only get adequate ideas on the spot.

4. Is Northeast Basement is Good?

Northeast basementGenerally, the Northeast basement is auspicious. In this image, the basement located at Northeast quadrant, this is auspicious. Please note that if there is heavy open space at East & North directions then avoid basement. In this image the home is almost occupied the entire boundary premises, it has a small openyard in between the home and the boundary wall, so residents' may plan for the basement.

5. Is Southwest Basement Good?

Vastu tips for BasementGenerally in Vaasthu tips section we minimized to publishing images, actually, we thought to publish this basement information at Vastu for House link only. Please "WAIT" and observe this image for 2 seconds. The cellar is constructed at the Northeast corner of the house, it's OK, then what is the twist here.

To be frank, most of the Vaastu consultants serving this type of construction plan, now we are discussing this structure, is there any mistake in cellar structure.

Yes, what is the mistake in the cellar construction, please read the above image para once again, then you may easily understand the aberration that happens here.

The cellar came into the Southwest portion of the entire boundary premises. Though it is Northeast cellar, but for the entire boundary premises, it named as Southwest basement, see the blunder with a minor fault of the decision.

Generally Vastu expert never makes such mistakes. Simple logic but could not estimate.

==> Not recommended to construct the cellar in the Southwest corner.

==> Not advisable to construct any cellar type constructions at the Southwest corner in our boundary wall zone.

==> In the above image the cellar came to Part Number '4' , that comes to the Southwest corner of the House.

==> Please observe the above image for 10 seconds, number ' 1' belongs to Ishan (Northeast) Block, ' 2 ' belongs to Agneya (Southeast) Block, number ' 3 ' belongs to Vayavya (Northwest) Block and finally number ' 4 ' belongs to Nairuthi (Southwest) Block, hope now you understand the exact meaning of the above picture. Now the cellar came into Nairuthi Block.

Already we discussed that we should not construct any cellar type constructions at Nairuthi Block. Dhanyavaad for understanding the above logic thing. You are intelligent.

6. Can We Plan for the North Direction Basement?

Basement in North directionIn this image the basement occupies the North direction Its good placement of cellar in the property, may help to get satisfying business or getting new opportunities in business, money flow, cash rotation may also observe, we should not forget one thing here, i.e., road, where is the road and what is the measurement of that road is also considered properly.

If there is a huge North road, the benefits of this system may be minimized or it may not work as expected. For each and everything, we should think logically. If there is a South road, then this method is suitable. It suits West road properties also. East road properties also not to plan this construction.

7. Important Guidelines for North Basement

1. There are some limits for the basement for North homes. Part of the basement is safe to have, particularly towards the Northeast.

2. The basement for the entire home may not be suitable in all cases. Hence, partial basement is recommended.

3. Please note that this basement should not touch the South wall If so, residents may not expect auspicious results. Only few homes are giving good results other homes may have trouble with a full house basement.

8. Can We Have Full House Basement for North Homes?

Basement in North directionThis kind of full house basement may not support all the time. Hence we request you plan for the partial basement. Due to this complete basement, the West property inhabitants will be benefited., not the actual owners of this property. If any property owner looking to arrange a complete basement best idea is to have a word with one expert. He will guide further.

9. Basement In The East Direction

Basement guidelines for east homesHerewith we are providing some tips, how to manage the basement for east homes, please note that without obtain expert Vastu specialist opinion, don't plan for the construction of basements for east homes. Here this basement located at East direction, this East depression generally generates an easy flow of good money and name to residents. As already we discussed above this kind of cellars may not be planned when there is a bigger east (also refer East Vastu link) road.

10. Is it Good to Have West Direction Basement For East Homes?

Vastu Tips for West direction  basementIn this image, the cellar located at West direction, if the west direction is having slope, down, depression in the name of Basements, then the entire system may fail. This is not good procedure to have basement only at West., generally, residents may face ill-health issues, financial crisis, collapse the enterprise, enemies hand rising, etc. If any expert Vastu pandit visits this property before consideration, he will explain how to choose a good property.

When looking for basement shop Vastu, it is clear that several times, the basement for shops towards West may be extending support to the entrepreneurs. Please note that the basement for the shop should be only in the East direction including Northeast. The good shop vastu always support the investors. If a property is constructed as per Vastu then residents may experience expecting money, a bright future, peace, and finally being able to save their investment.

11. Is South Direction Basement is Good Or Bad?

Vastu Tips for South Direction basementBasements may be different in India and other parts of the world. In this image the Basement located at South direction, this is not good procedure. Normally, inhabitants may suffer with severe ill-health problems, entire financial failures in doing business, normally ladies may get mental disturbances, financial collapses, disturbances in the life, high risks, etc.

12. Can We Plan for Southwest Basement?

Southwest basementThe Southwest basement is not good. It may harm with several problems. In some western countries, the basement may be mandatory, in such cases, we must carefully observe the directions of the property and where the commonplace is provided. In this image the basement is located in the Southwest direction, usually, the Southwest basement harms the residents, sometimes severe health issues may raise, insecure feelings, heavy losses, tragedies, unhappiness, unlucky, psychological imbalances, etc., may be possible.

==> Please note that sometimes the cellars giving good results, and sometimes curse with very bad results, to avoid all these consequences best to engage one Vastu shastra expert, he will guide you. Don't see the Vastu consultant fee, the life is important, not the fee.

13. Vastu For Basement Stairs

If the basement is in the right position, then residents have to fix the staircase exact placement as per Vastu to the basement. Don't keep the staircase in the wrong places. For example, if the basement is in the Northeast of the entire home, the staircase should not build exactly at the Northeast of the basement.

A staircase can be fixed at either Northwest or Southeast in the basement. Please note that, due to a shortage of spaces, some may arrange a staircase in the Southwest of the basement, if the basement is exactly at the Northeast of the home, then it won't hurt the residents.

14. Toilet In Basement As Per Vastu

If the basement is in the correct position, then residents plan a toilet at either Northwest or Southeast of the basement. Don't plan the toilet at Northeast or Southwest in the basement.

15. Vastu For Basement Ramp

Just like a staircase to the basement, the ramp is also fixed at either Northwest or at Southeast. If the ramp is placed Southwest of the basement, it is not problematic, for exact Northeast basements.

16. Is Basement Good For House?

For Southwest, South, and West homes, the Northeast basement increases many opportunities.

In some areas, the basement for North homes and East homes does not bless with good quality results. This point should be applied in some areas and some homes only. It won't apply to all homes.

Normally, Northeast basement for west facing homes blesses the residents with good luck.

Generally, the Northeast basement for South facing homes increases the money flow.

17. How Many Types of Basements Are Popular, and What Are They

Mainly there are three types of basements. 1. Walkin basement. 2. Walkout Basement 3. General Basement. Though there may be several other basements in usage, these three are very common. In "general basements", there are again some sub-sections like the unfinished basement, finished basements, or partially finished basements.

18. Can We Have Walkout Basement for North Facing Homes?

Generally, the walkout basement for North facing house is not giving refined quality results and further this kind of homes are not recommended to buy. For North homes the walkout basement, backyard door faces towards the South direction, this may not be healthy as per Vastu. In our observation, people lost money, health and peace. If many of the neighboring homes have same such quality features, then the negative strength will be distributed to all homes and the negativity will be diluted, weaken its evil power and may less trouble. If in case of compulsory to buy a North facing walkout basement home, then without expert advice don't buy.

19. Is Walkout Basement Suitable for Northeast Facing Homes?

Walkout basements for Northeast homes are not advisable. In our observation, we found several residents suffer with financial drain, heavy stress, mental imbalance, unhappiness in the home, regularly going to temples, searching for astrologers, looking for seers blessings, may get little strength at nights, may get fear while in the morning, particularly on Mondays, friends may keep distance with this inhabitants, psychological disturbances, sleepless nights, over time working, sometimes with to leave the home, lack of confidence, fear may dominant, may take several times coffee and tea, always afflicted with sorrow, taking appointment with doctors & joining into the hospitals, suffering with health problems, anxiety, restlessness, etc may be possible, if there is compulsory to buy such kind of homes, then best to have a word with one expert before buying it. Kindly understand one point here, if the neighborhood homes those are Northeast facing homes also have such walkout basement, then the negativity will be spread to all and its strength will diminish and results may not be screwed anxious.

20. Walkout Basement for East Facing House is Good Or Bad?

Usually, the walkout basement for East facing homes may not render expected auspicious results. This may trouble the residents with failures, losses in business, contractors may not successful in this kind of homes, professionals may suffer with heavy stress, mental worries, health disorders, non-cooperation from different sections, enemies will become powerful, here enemy means, real enemy, health, money, body strength, mental strength, etc. Life may not be easy go, always things may trouble one after another. Please note that the neighboring homes that are East facing homes also have such walkout basement, then the negativity will be spread to all and its strength will weaken and results may not be hyper worried.

21. For Which Direction Homes the Walkout Basement is Suitable?

Normally, the walkout basements are suitable for West facing, South facing, and Southwest facing homes.

22. For Which Direction Homes the Walkout Basement is NOT Suitable?

Usually, the walkout basements are not suitable for the Northeast, North, and East homes.

23. Is Subbasement is Acceptable as Per Vastu

These subbasements Vastu principles are almost the same to same as basement Vastu principles. Subbasement is nothing but a floor that is below the basement. In general, the sub-basement does not have windows or an outside door. The sub-basements may be in some countries like some homes in Canada or fit for some homes in USA etc.

Every resident put down their hard-earned money on the home, with a very small mistake of non-Vastu compliance home, all of their savings washed away. Be careful with these walkout basements.

Likewise, the inhabitants should take care on the walk in the basement too. Points to be noted while dealing with walk-in basement. In which direction is this walk-in basement located, how it is proceeding to inside in which direction, what is above of this walk-in basement. All these points are important when buying the home.

Daylight basement can also be planned at homes, they should be properly planned and arranged as per Vastu. Where windows are coming, in which direction, etc, be alert. Please get proper guidance from experts in Vastu.

Generally, there are 3 types of basements. They are poured concrete, masonry or block walls, and precast panels.

24. What is an Unexcavated Area in The Basement?

"Unexcavated area’ the actual meaning is an area outlast undug and no way to access. The entire basement ends along this area where it is shown. The remaining all area in the basement is excavated and available to use for regular purposes. But this unexcavated area should be inaccessible and it is just like a solid construction that is suitable for the car parking on top of this unexcavated place.

25. The Unexcavated Area Located in the Southeast

Unexcavated place in SoutheastIn this image the unexcavated area located at Southeast corner. The Northeast corner is accessible for the basement users, this SE won't accessible. If you are looking to take rent of this basement having SE unexcavated area, it is acceptable.

26. Unexcavated Area Located In The Northeast

Northeast corner Unexcavated areaHere this image showing an unexcavated area constructed in the Northeast corner. With this unexcavated area in the basement the Northeast corner is inaccessible for the basement users, and SE is accessible. This may not help the basement users, if you are planning to take rent of this NE unexcavated portion in the basement, then best to choose other home, than this.

27. Unexcavated Area in the Southwest Is Good

The unexcated area at Southwest is acceptable, no worries on this construction.

28. Having Unexcavated Area at the Northwest is Good?

When the unexcavated area came at Northwest, then the Southwest has an available place to use. So the Northwest Unexcavated area is not wrong.

29. Unexcavated Area in the East

Generally the skewed plots or homes have such East direction unexcavated areas, generally, this is not giving auspicious results if the basement is heavily used by the residents. If they are not using the basement heavily, then no need to worry about this East Unexcavated construction.

30. North Direction Unexcavated Area is Bad?

If the home is inclined then this North direction unexcavated area will be possible, this is also not bad.

31. Where Should We Arrange Electricity Switch Boards in the Basement?

Switch boards are important and it is not fire. Some thought that this is fire and they should be only located in the Southeast. This is not fire. It is only accommodating instruments to switch on the light and fans, etc. Residents can arrange them at their convenient places.

32. Basement Finishings And Their Culture

1. Unfinished Basement: These are very common in the USA and Canada. Generally, this unfinished basement design is particularly found in spaces where there are larger than the traditional cellars. Most probably this unfinished basement is used for keeping the washer or dryer sets, freezer/refrigerator, storing the various unused material boxes which are normally not in daily routine usage in the main home. In some homes, these unfinished basements were used for home workshops because of less noise and to a lesser degree of a nuisance.

2. Finished Basement: This finished basement can be used just like a home, it is a costly venture and some more burden for the residents to make it finished. The builder charged more money on the finished basement. Some residents transmitting these finished basements to rent. With that rental income, they will pay home monthly loan installments. These finished basements are very common in the USA, Canada, Switzerland, England, Ireland, etc.

3. Partially Finished Basement: This feature is rare. Some homes in the USA have these partially finished basements.

4. Fully Finished Basement – Retrofit: This type of retrofit basement can be found in England particularly in London. In most cases, these retrofit basements have finished basements, not to say exactly, many were being even unfinished too. We never come across any retrofit basements in the USA.

33. Few Questions on Basement Vastu

Dear Suresh Ji, if the northeast corner side opens with a full basement and pillars for a house is it good? - Arjun - Warangal - Telangana.

>>> If the basement, which is located at Northeast having open and having pillars is not giving any bad results. But one should be very careful before planning this method in their homes. A small mistake may ruin their happy future.

Dear Sir, I've read about Basement construction on your site which I found very useful. Please publish your website in Hindi language and Tamil Language sir - Narayanan - Coimbatore- Tamilnadu - India.

Q & A on Vastu

+7 #11 Basement vastu for East facing home in USAJanell 2020-10-03 12:24
Hey Mr. Suresh, cudos, congratulations on your super successful website. We are looking to buy a home which has basement for east facing home, is it permitted to have basement for east facing homes in North Carolina. Looking forward your assistance in this regard. Wishing you all good luck dear pal. Many thanks.
+10 #10 Basement vastu in Telugu languageకమ్ముల నారాయణ 2019-10-31 06:57
పూజ్యులు సురేష్ గారికి, మీ వెబ్సైటు చూసాను, ఇంత వివరంగా విషయాలను పూస గుచ్చినట్లు తెలియచేసినందులక ు మీకు ధన్యవాదములు తెలుపుకుంటున్నా ను. ఎవరినుంచి ఏమి ఆశించకుండా అన్ని వివరాలను సంపూర్ణాంగా తెలిపారు, ఇంత పెద్ద వెబ్సైటు ను advertisements కూడా లేకుండా ఎలా నడుపుతున్నారు. మీ ధైర్యాన్ని చూసి, ముచ్చటేస్తున్నద ి. అందరి జీవితాలలో వెలుగులను నింపడం కోసం మీరు పడే తాపత్రయం చూసి, మిమ్మల్ని అభినందించకుండా ఉండలేను. దయచేసి తెలుగు లో భూగృహం, వాస్తు గురించి వ్రాయగలరు. ఈ నేలమాళిగలు ఇంటిలో ఎక్కడెక్కడ రావాలి, రాకూడదు ఎన్ విషయాలను Telugu లో వ్రాయగలరు. మీరు పిల్లాపాపలతో కలకాలం సంతోషంగా వుండాలని, ఆనందకరమైన జీవితాన్ని పొందాలని మనస్ఫూ ర్తిగా భగవంతుడిని ప్రార్థిస్తాను.  
+7 #9 Can I run business in basementRajender Reddy 2018-05-09 17:41
Respected sir, your website has wonderful knowledge of vastu. So nice of you for giving free vastu information. I am planning to set up a medical diagnostics business in the cellar (underground) the total area 2000 SFT that cellar entrance at ground floor West facing we selected East facing around 500 SFT is it ok for us? and that place have water tank under that place.
+3 #8 Cellar Vastu InformationSunil Jain S 2015-06-23 17:00
Dear Suresh Ji, congratulations sir by having such a meticulous vastu website. Mine is commercial property in north main road and south also is a road which is 5 feet below north main road my question is can I construct a cellar in my north facing property.
+12 #7 Basement Placements as per vastuRajkumar Shah 2015-05-16 11:36
Namaste Shri Suresh Ji, planing to take north facing shop for Gifts and novelties, there is slope entrance slope towards south shop area is about 800 sft length 65 feet width 12 feet we have to climb 7 steps to enter the shop with two shutters one 3 feet another north east 7 feet under the shop towards east wall is entrance for cellar should I take this. Please inform the best remedies for wrong placements if there is any.
+6 #6 Looking for Southwest basement remediesVijay Nandhan R 2015-01-04 09:41
Respected sir, after seeing your website, I have a great respect on you. You are man of kindness. My sister bought a home in USA which has Southwest direction, can you please provide any remedies for Southwest basement.
+12 #5 Northwest Basement is good or badVarma 2014-10-07 14:25
Namaste sir, just step into your wonderful website. Congrats. My house has main road in the north side and another small road in the east side. the roads are 4 feet above my basement level. I would like to know whether I should raise my building or should I close my ground floor (basement) up to the road level.
+5 #4 What should be the Basement floorSathish Kumar 2014-10-04 12:49
Respected sir, your services to the society is great, laudable. Ours is West Facing 30x40 site, we have planed basement floor for car parking and storeroom please give tips for sump, ramp direction.
+13 #3 Cellar vastuKoppal Y Kumar 2014-09-08 19:01
Hai Sir namaste, its East facing plot, is it ok to have cellar ramp slope east to west also I wanna make use whole cellar floor area for parking.north east side slope as entrance and south east slope as an exit. please advice.
+12 #2 Vastu for home basementJitendra 2014-05-09 02:31
Sir, Thanks, your tips regarding basement construction is very useful. But you haven't mentioned about cellars intense/ramp direction, if basement is constructed covering whole area.
+17 #1 Staircase Position To Basement As Per VastuSenthilkumar B S 2014-03-23 13:50
Respected sir, my plot has a road in North and south side. North side rode is elevated 7 feet from my plot ground level, south side rode is in the plot ground level. I would like to construct facing North side, to avoid the back filling of 7 feet I planed to lift the floor with pillars by 10 feet from the ground, three sides covered with compound wall except South side. I would like to know whether I should call it as a basement or ground floor?
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Dear Suresh, I am pleased to inform you that like the way you provided consultation for my home and explained to me all the changes required inside and outside home. I really appreciate the diagrams that you prepared for my home with pictures and arrows showing the changes need to be done. Above all, you explained very well the reasons behind changes you recommended for my home with great clarity and sense of humor. No doubt in my mind, you are the best Vastu expert, I really appreciate your dedication by building and maintaining a very informative website that is helping thousands of people across the globe. Also, I sensed when I talk to you and when I was dealing with you, you follow honesty and integrity and you have a sincere desire to help others - Kotesware Rao - Dallas - USA

We are tech professionals and working in USA. After a year long search we brought the house. After buying the house I started looking for consultant who can help me evaluating the house. I came across Subhavaastu website which has lot of information. I contacted Mr.Suresh and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been an incredible delight working with him.. He is very detailed oriented person and never compromises with his work. I am typically not interested to deliver the reviews. But after working with Mr. Suresh I decided to share my experience. Mr. Suresh has great expertise in providing vastu consultation to USA property. He is always available through email and phone l to answer questions. I am writing this review hoping it will help other people like me who lives in abroad. Please take advise before buying the house. I highly recommend Mr. Suresh as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. I really appreciate Mr. Suresh's help in evaluating our house - Padma - Boston - USA

"I contacted Sureshji to consult on our current home. He was spot on in identifying vastu dosha in regards to the problems we were having. He suggested remedies but we are still looking for a new house. Since then I have been in touch with him for finding a right home for us. He is very sincere and truly wishes better lives for everyone. He doesn’t compromise with quality and is always responsive to queries. He recommends solutions as per location as Vastu rules differ for each country. He is greatly contributing to the society with his knowledge of Vastu and dedication towards his work. Keep up the good work Sureshji and wish you success and happiness!" - Megha - Virginia - USA

I have consulted Suresh Garu during December 2014 during the process of buying a house in Texas, USA. I have occupied the house for one year now, and feel like dropping a review regarding my experience during the entire process. I am very much satisfied with the kind of service I received from him. He is very knowledgeable and I was often stunned by his detailed analysis during the course of my interaction with him. He was very much accessible over phone (perhaps more than 10 times for one house plan!) and the price is very much reasonable especially compared with the cost of the house. I noticed his burning desire to help me in making informed decisions on certain things. I have seen some people pretending to know this subject and misguiding those who come for help by saying only what we want to hear. SubhaVaastu is definitely not that one. Finally, I am strong believer of leaving certain things to experts in those subjects. I have been in US for more than 13 years and have seen people doing their own corrections (by reading website articles) trying to save few dollars. Please don’t do that. You would end up in causing more damage. I highly recommend you to engage SubhaVaastu in your next project - Satish - Dallas - TX - USA

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"The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong." — Swami Vivekananda

“Great Personalities speak about thoughts. 'Average Person' talk about occassions. 'Narrow Minded' gossip about others.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Let you question yourself, "Who You Are, either 'Great Personality', 'Average Person' or 'Narrow Minded' ?

Joke Of the Day

Rajesh: Chintu, what would you do if you accidentally stepped on an elderly man's foot?

Chintu: I would say sorry, Dad.

Rajesh: Good, you have made me proud my son. What if he appreciates your behavior and gives you a chocolate?

Chintu: I did step on his other foot right away, Dad!

Vastu Tip of the Day

Furniture plays a crucial role in enhancing the ambiance and bringing positive energy into our homes. For the best results, it’s important to choose high-quality furniture. Opting for cheaper options might compromise the potential for good luck and a positive environment. A home with inadequate furniture might see a decrease in fortune, so it's essential to invest in premium furniture that meets your needs and supports a prosperous atmosphere. For More Daily Vastu Tips : Daily Vastu Tips

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